The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What material does Mr. Beaver use to construct a new foot for Roz?
(a) Dead robot parts.
(b) Pressed flowers.
(c) Wood.
(d) Stone.

2. After Roz fixes the hole in the roof of the Nest, she shouts something out into the night. What does she shout?
(a) She shouts to the island's animals that there will be a mass funeral the following day.
(b) She shouts that she is lonely.
(c) She shouts to the island's animals that they do not have to freeze, for they are welcome in her warm lodge.
(d) She shouts to the island's animals that the geese will be returning from their migration the following day.

3. When the second lodge catches on fire, what does Broadfoot say is the cause?
(a) The animals have added sap to the fire.
(b) The lodge has been struck by lightning.
(c) The animals have put too many logs in the fire pit.
(d) The animals have stacked the kindling too close to the fire pit.

4. When Longneck ask if anyone has questions before the geese begin their journey, what does Roz ask?
(a) She asks if she can have one more hug from Brightbill.
(b) She asks when the geese will return.
(c) She asks how she is supposed to survive without her son.
(d) She asks where Brightbill should fly in the formation since he does not have other family members flying with him.

5. According to the narrator, what good comes from the deaths of the animals who have frozen over the winter?
(a) Their remaining family members remember not to take each other for granted.
(b) Their bodies nourish the soil and help create an amazing spring bloom.
(c) There is more food for everyone else.
(d) Roz is able to make coats out of them to keep surviving animals warm.

6. Where is Brightbill's favorite place to fly?
(a) Above the robot graveyard.
(b) Above the Great Meadow.
(c) Over the ocean.
(d) Up on the grassy ridge.

7. What is the name for a squirrel nest?
(a) A den.
(b) A burrow.
(c) A drey.
(d) A barringer.

8. What is NOT an event Brightbill tells within the long story of the migration when he returns?
(a) The farmer's murder of Longneck.
(b) Meeting a pigeon named Graybeak who shows the geese the robots in the city.
(c) The farmer's cat's murder of Longneck.
(d) The farmer's cat helping the geese sneak inside the warm greenhouse.

9. What does Loudwing say when Roz asks her about Brightbill swallowing pebbles?
(a) She tells Roz that they must take Brightbill to the island's doctor immediately.
(b) She tells Roz that geese often swallow a few pebbles in order to aid their digestion.
(c) She tells Roz to instruct Brightbill never to swallow pebbles again.
(d) She tells Roz to make sure Brightbill is not swallowing anything besides food because it could hurt him.

10. The night before the migration of the geese, what old routine do Roz and Brightbill return to?
(a) Brightbill crawls into Roz's arms and she rocks him to sleep.
(b) Brightbill wakes up every hour and asks Roz for a drink of water and a snack.
(c) Brightbill sleeps outside while Roz stays in by the fire.
(d) Roz keeps watch outside while Brightbill stays in by the fire.

11. When Brightbill tells Roz that the other goslings have been making fun of him, what does he say their comments are about?
(a) They laugh at Brightbill for saying hello to everyone he sees.
(b) They laugh at Brightbill for being a weak swimmer.
(c) They laugh at Brightbill for being an orphan.
(d) They laugh at Brightbill for having a monster mother.

12. What is Roz's reply when Brightbill asks if he can stay on the island with Roz rather than migrating with the other geese?
(a) She says that if he can get five other geese to agree to stay as well, that Roz will let Brightbill stay.
(b) She says that she will ask Loudwing.
(c) She says she does not think that is a good idea and that she thinks he should migrate with the flock.
(d) She says that he will die if he stays.

13. What method does Roz use in order to determine if the pond is safe to cross?
(a) She asks Broadfoot the moose to check if the ice is solid.
(b) She chops a tree down and watches it bounce off the ice as it falls.
(c) She throws a heavy rock onto the ice and watches it bounce.
(d) She throws a torch onto the ice.

14. What reason does Roz give for being worried about the flock of geese?
(a) She is worried that they might be able to handle the icy weather.
(b) She is worried that they will like their destination better than they like the island.
(c) She is worried that they may get lost.
(d) She is worried that Longneck is too old to be leading the flock.

15. When Loudwing visits the garden, what occasion does she tell Roz is the following day?
(a) Swimming Day.
(b) Climbing Day.
(c) Flying Day.
(d) Jumping Day.

Short Answer Questions

1. After others sharing what they think Roz's purpose is, she says that perhaps she does know what her purpose is. What does she say she thinks her purpose may be?

2. What words does Brightbill speak after the first time he flies?

3. How does Roz find out why Rockmouth is so angry?

4. What reason does Mr. Beaver give for his suggestion that Roz build a garden near her new lodge?

5. What does Brightbill do when Roz forbids him to see the robot graveyard?

(see the answer keys)

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