The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Iris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is "the lord in heaven" according to the poppy in "The Red Poppy"?
(a) The rain.
(b) The sun.
(c) God.
(d) The gardener.

2. What do the daisies in "Daisies" say will happen if the person were to share her views of the natural world with others?
(a) She will be laughed at again.
(b) Nobody will care.
(c) God will bless her.
(d) People will listen.

3. Who does the speaker say God created mistrust between in "Vespers" (#6)?
(a) Brother and brother.
(b) Father and son.
(c) Mother and daughter.
(d) Brother and sister.

4. Where does the person in "Vespers" (#1) suggest God may only exist?
(a) In warmer climates.
(b) In other countries.
(c) In one's mind.
(d) In the sunrise.

5. What is described as "the heart's constant backdrop" (27) in "Song"?
(a) The summer breeze.
(b) The dark.
(c) The blue sky.
(d) The light.

6. Who is the speaker in "Jacob's Ladder"?
(a) God.
(b) A jacob's ladder plant.
(c) Heaven.
(d) The gardener.

7. What flower does the poet in "The Doorway" describe as it just starts to open?
(a) Crocuses.
(b) Tulips.
(c) Irises.
(d) Roses.

8. Who or what is the speaker in "Heaven and Earth"?
(a) The poet.
(b) The poet's husband.
(c) The horizon.
(d) God.

9. How does the speaker in "End of Summer" refer to humanity?
(a) Disgraced beings.
(b) Poor inspired creation.
(c) Master of everything.
(d) Self indulgent experiment.

10. In "The Red Poppy," what does the red poppy say it does not have despite having feelings?
(a) A friend.
(b) A mind.
(c) A caretaker.
(d) A soul.

11. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#3) wonder if God loves more than her?
(a) The fig tree.
(b) The beasts of the field.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Himself.

12. What do humans view most of the clovers in the garden as in "Clover"?
(a) A weed.
(b) A thing of beauty.
(c) A sign of blessedness.
(d) Proof of God's existence.

13. What time of year is everything possible according to the speaker in "Heaven and Earth"?
(a) Early spring.
(b) Late winter.
(c) Midsummer.
(d) Early fall.

14. Why does the speaker feel it is difficult to please all creations?
(a) They all want something different.
(b) They do not believe in God.
(c) They are never pleased once they get what they want.
(d) They will not say what they truly want.

15. Why does the red poppy say it is speaking at the end of "The Red Poppy"?
(a) Because it is shattered.
(b) Because it has found God.
(c) Because it cares for humanity.
(d) Because it is scared.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the speaker in "Vespers" (#2) apologize for failing to do at the start of the poem?

2. Who is the speaker in "Early Darkness"?

3. What does the speaker in "Midsummer" remind humanity they were not intended to be?

4. Who does the speaker in "Matins" (#6) address?

5. Who does the speaker in "Field Flowers" address?

(see the answer keys)

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