The Wide Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wide Window Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Josephine afraid the telephone holds a threat off?
(a) Electricution
(b) Stranglation
(c) Finger cramping
(d) Brain cancer

2. What does Mr. Poe say he hopes isn't getting the best of the children?
(a) Their hopes and wishes
(b) Their love for Aunt Josephine
(c) Their communistic ways
(d) Their imaginations

3. What is Violet sent off in search of?
(a) Limes
(b) Cucumbers
(c) Coconut
(d) Tomatoes

4. What happened to the children's previous guardian, Uncle Monty?
(a) Was committed
(b) Murdered
(c) Bitten by a snake
(d) Died in his sleep

5. What does Mr. Poe say he needs to do in Chapter 6 after discovering that the note was in fact left by Aunt Josephine?
(a) Call the police
(b) Take the children home with him
(c) Meet with Captain Sham
(d) Get Josephine's other afairs in order

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Poe say is a very serious charge?

2. What does Josephine say that the tin cans in the room are for?

3. What does Aunt Josephine talk about the whole way home?

4. What does Aunt Josephine say that they should do for Captain Sham?

5. What does Mr. Poe give the Baudelaire children?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator say about business cards in Chapter 4?

2. Describe the scene in Chapter 4 where Violet answers the phone.

3. Describe the scene when the Baudelaire children and Aunt Josephine are walking home from the market in Chapter 3?

4. What does the letter say that the children find on the door from Aunt Josephine?

5. Describe the library as it is seen for the first time in Chapter 2.

6. What does Mr.Poe tell the children in Chapter 1 as he puts them in the taxi cab?

7. What do the children find when they go into the library after finding the note in Chapter 4?

8. Describe what Klaus says in the beginning of Chapter 5 about the note that Aunt Josephine wrote.

9. What happens in Chapter 3 when the Baudelaire children are trying to explain to Aunt Josephine that Captain Sham is really Count Olaf?

10. Describe the gifts that Aunt Josephine gives the children in Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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