The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Weight of Glory", Lewis says he thinks the idea that desiring good for ourselves and enjoying it is bad comes from which philosopher's thoughts?
(a) Kant.
(b) Socrates.
(c) Pascal.
(d) Aquinas.

2. While discussing the cynic's questions about religion, Lewis says that religious language and imagery contains nothing that has not been borrowed from what?
(a) Pastors.
(b) Nature.
(c) Bible.
(d) Literature.

3. What, according to "Why I am Not a Pacifist", is the most useful analogy when figuring out right and wrong?
(a) Precedent.
(b) Logic.
(c) Conscience.
(d) Reason.

4. In "Why I am Not a Pacifist", Lewis says he believes the art of life consists in tackling _______________ as well as we can.
(a) Immediate evil.
(b) World hunger.
(c) Suffering.
(d) World war.

5. According to "Why I am Not a Pacifist", basic moral intuitions are the only element of ______________ that cannot be argued about.
(a) Reason.
(b) Precedent.
(c) Logic.
(d) Conscience.

6. Lewis states in his discussions of different virtues that the negative idea of unselfishness carries the primary suggestion of what?
(a) Securing good for others.
(b) Going without good things ourselves.
(c) Being the right kind of person.
(d) Reaching a truly enlightened state.

7. In "Why I am Not a Pacifist" Lewis says that nothing should be treated as intuition unless what?
(a) The Bible specifically states it.
(b) No good man has ever dreamed of doubting.
(c) The majority agree that it applies.
(d) It can be proven as scientific fact.

8. While discussing Pacifism, Lewis mentions that he believes only one world religion is truly Pacifist. To which religion does he refer?
(a) Animism.
(b) Buddhism.
(c) Unitarianism.
(d) Hinduism.

9. When discussing the idea of glory, Lewis says that it is perhaps crude but also accurate to describe glory as what?
(a) The ultimate sacrifice.
(b) A means to an end.
(c) An inner peace.
(d) Being noticed by God.

10. What happens at the end of Lewis's analogy when the boy in the dungeon learns that there are no pencil marks in the outside world?
(a) His notion of the world becomes blank.
(b) He becomes angry with his mother for lying.
(c) The mother has to rethink her strategy.
(d) He is released from prison.

11. Lewis states that we are creatures who are every moment advancing toward either heaven or hell, and that we still spend time on all but which of the following trivialities?
(a) Literature.
(b) Mathematics.
(c) Art.
(d) Theology.

12. Lewis describes, in "Why I am Not a Pacifist," a belief that human history is a unilinear movement from worse to better. What term does he use for this belief?
(a) Progress.
(b) Reason.
(c) Life.
(d) Logic.

13. To which poet does Lewis refer when discussing the secret inside people in "The Weight of Glory"?
(a) Wordsworth.
(b) Shelley.
(c) Yeats.
(d) Frost.

14. When discussing the promises of scripture, Lewis states that they can be roughly reduced to how many topics?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Five.
(c) Seven.
(d) Three.

15. Lewis opens "Why I am Not a Pacifist" by saying military service can be all but which of the following?
(a) Unquestionably essential.
(b) Morally obligatory.
(c) Wicked action.
(d) Morally indifferent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lewis says toward the end of "Transposition" that our natural experiences are like a drawing. He is referring to all but which of the following experiences?

2. Which of the following is NOT one of the analogies Lewis uses to explain the Christian journey in "The Weight of Glory"?

3. According to Lewis in "Learning in War-time", why must good philosophy exist?

4. Lewis says in "Transposition" that it may seem strange that an apocalypse can describe heaven with nothing more than all but which of the following?

5. What is the third Pacifist position ruled out by Lewis in "Why I am Not a Pacifist"?

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