The Warrior Heir Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cinda Williams Chima
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Warrior Heir Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cinda Williams Chima
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 8, what type of fighting are Jack and Mr. Hastings participating in?
(a) Fencing.
(b) Boxing.
(c) Swordplay.
(d) Wrestling.

2. One whole room of Nick's apartment is dedicated to _____________.
(a) Movie posters.
(b) Books.
(c) Model airplanes.
(d) DVDs.

3. What does Jack realize is fairly routine for his aunt in Chapter 5?
(a) Trying to lose guys who want to date her.
(b) Spending money like it grows on trees.
(c) Using fake IDs, switching cars.
(d) Lying to the people who are closest to her.

4. From what point of view is the novel written?
(a) Third person limited.
(b) Authorial voice.
(c) Third person omniscient.
(d) First person.

5. Rather than attend a party, Jack decides to walk home with whom in Chapter 10?
(a) Leesha.
(b) Ellen.
(c) Fitch.
(d) Will.

6. What will be Leander Hastings' primary job at Trinity High School?
(a) Disipline and attendance.
(b) Extra curricular activity coordinator.
(c) Sports director.
(d) Scheduling.

7. What is the name of the wizard who follows Linda to the ruins?
(a) Parker.
(b) Wylie.
(c) Jessamine.
(d) Ellen.

8. What reason does Mr. Hastings give Jack for coming to Ohio from New York?
(a) He could not say no to Linda.
(b) He wanted to meet the warrior that should have been a wizard.
(c) He could not refuse Becka.
(d) He wanted to become a teacher.

9. What occupation was listed for Susannah Downy in the records at the courthouse in Chapter 3?
(a) Farmer's wife.
(b) Merchant.
(c) Artist.
(d) Merchant's wife.

10. From what war does Lee's neighbors think the 'bandits' who attacked Lee's family were remnants of?
(a) The Spanish-American War.
(b) The Mexican War.
(c) The Revolutionary War.
(d) The Civil War.

11. What injury does Jack suffer in the championship game while contributing to the winning goal?
(a) A sprained wrist.
(b) A twisted ankle.
(c) A broken toe.
(d) A bruised rib.

12. Where does Linda take Jack to tell him the secrets of his heritage?
(a) A diner.
(b) School.
(c) Nick's.
(d) Home.

13. What is the name of the cafe where Will, Jack, and Fitch wait repeatedly to meet with Linda or speak to her on the phone?
(a) Blackbird.
(b) Bluebird.
(c) Golden bird.
(d) Redbird.

14. What is the cause of death listed for Susannah Downy in the courthouse records found in Chapter 3?
(a) Child birth.
(b) Ilness.
(c) Murder.
(d) Accident.

15. What object does Mr. Hastings want Jack to move with nothing but his magic?
(a) A top.
(b) A ball.
(c) A glass.
(d) A fencing sword.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sam Hadley tells Jack he is __________.

2. Of what stone is Lee the only one of four children to show the telltale signs?

3. How long had Lee's family been on the run before returning to their home as Lee describes in the beginning of the prologue?

4. What caused Jack to stay up too late the night before his soccer tryouts?

5. What does Jack suddenly realize about his aunt at the beginning of Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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