The Warlock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Warlock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Scott (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Into what had Dee changed Josh?
(a) A gargoyle.
(b) A giant.
(c) A nechoromancer.
(d) A shadowraith.

2. What does Dee do that will send a signal to all creatures?
(a) Casts a spell to immobilize Virginia Dare.
(b) Use his aura to free them.
(c) Sends Ultor back to his dimension.
(d) Casts a spell to immobilize Josh.

3. What does Perenelle feel is her and her husband's destiny?
(a) To become demi-gods.
(b) To bring about a new earth.
(c) To save the world.
(d) To be followed by death and destruction.

4. About what does Scathach think?
(a) How she has always freed her friends in trouble.
(b) About how death feels.
(c) About stopping a volcano.
(d) About sacrifice.

5. What has been destroyed because of the Flamels?
(a) Prometheseus' shadowrealm and all its people.
(b) A flat slice of the fifth dimension.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Mount Hebron.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is lost to Josh?

2. What is weakened helping the Flamels track Josh?

3. Whose plans have become more grandiose?

4. Who does Perenelle try to calm?

5. What does Abraham say after hearing the news Prometheus brings?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Dr. John Dee change Josh and why?

2. What does Scathach contemplate in their volcanic prison, and what does Joan of Arc feel?

3. Where is Niten taking Sophie and what does he tell her?

4. Why does Abraham create the book and what part is Mars supposed to play in the upcoming confrontation with John Dee?

5. What happens to the police officers outside a building which Dee and Virginia approach and how do Dee, Dare and Josh feel about it?

6. Where are Dee, Dare and Josh headed and how does Dare handle their pursuers?

7. Where is Promotheseus driving a Jeep and why is he weak?

8. What does Dee tell Josh to do on their way to Alcatraz and how do Josh's memories help him in this task?

9. Where are Sophie and Niten escaping from and why is Sophie upset?

10. What happens to Coatlicue just after John Dee brings her into the world?

(see the answer keys)

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