The Wall Jumper Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Schneider (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wall Jumper Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Schneider (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Gartenschläger killed?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Berne.
(c) Bonn.
(d) Buchen.

2. Who did Pommerer's family fear would rape them?
(a) The Germans.
(b) The Russians.
(c) The Italians.
(d) The Americans.

3. What is Gartenschläger arrested for stealing?
(a) A robot.
(b) A gun.
(c) A diamond.
(d) A jacket.

4. When Bolle jumps the wall, what does he tell the DDR guards that he wants?
(a) To fight with them.
(b) To learn secrets.
(c) To return home.
(d) To give in.

5. What does a West Berlin court declare Bolle to be?
(a) A mass murderer.
(b) A lost, confused soul.
(c) A parapalegic.
(d) A convicted felon.

6. What does Robert think is a fairy tale for those who choose to not know better?
(a) Free choice.
(b) Demonstrations.
(c) Spontaneity.
(d) Visions.

7. Who is the only traveler at the checkpoint that the Narrator sees by the border at Heinrich Heine Strasse?
(a) A man with a dog.
(b) A woman with a chicken.
(c) A drunkard.
(d) A priest.

8. When Bolle offered his services to the US Army for counterintelligence, what happened?
(a) He became a spy.
(b) He became a double agent.
(c) They turned him down.
(d) He was captured.

9. In Pommerer's favorite bar, what does the Narrator complain about?
(a) His stories.
(b) His age.
(c) His hair.
(d) His fears.

10. When was Bolle ransomed by the BRD?
(a) 1998.
(b) 1973.
(c) 1923.
(d) 1983.

11. What does the DDR employ along the border that Gartenschläger wants to have?
(a) Guard bullets.
(b) Self-triggering robots.
(c) Invisible mines.
(d) Invisible fence.

12. How long of a prison sentence does Bolle receive from a West Berlin court?
(a) 10 month.
(b) 12 month.
(c) 8 month.
(d) 5 month.

13. What does Robert enjoy viewing different models of that the Narrator accompanies to see?
(a) Machine guns.
(b) Cars.
(c) Trailers.
(d) Boats.

14. After gaining skills in sabotage, what does Bolle do?
(a) Give up.
(b) Fight his group.
(c) Build his own army.
(d) Desert his group.

15. What is the DDR leadership according to Pommerer?
(a) Progressive.
(b) Communist.
(c) Independent.
(d) Democratic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pommerer believe that East Germans have more of than West Germans?

2. Over what philosopher do Robert and the Narrator argue that brings them almost to blows?

3. What does Bolle erect to preach war against the Wall?

4. Where are strikes occurring that the Narrator watches on television with Pommerer?

5. What must Bolle learn in the West to earn the right he forfeited earlier?

(see the answer keys)

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