The Wall Jumper Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Schneider (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wall Jumper Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Schneider (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pommerer believe that East Germans have more of than West Germans?
(a) Commitment.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Fear.
(d) Anger.

2. Where does Pommerer live in 1945?
(a) A Victorian b&b.
(b) A bunker.
(c) A Russian hideout.
(d) A mansion.

3. What is Robert's defense against worry?
(a) Have a routine.
(b) Show no surprise.
(c) Fight your opponent.
(d) Pretend it did not happen.

4. After hearing Bolle's tale, whose story does Pommerer share with the Narrator in the bar?
(a) Jason's.
(b) Michael's.
(c) Heine's.
(d) Walter's.

5. How do the Western and Stasi superiors differ according to Bolle?
(a) Their decor and makeup.
(b) Their dental work and wristwatches.
(c) Their guns and bullets.
(d) Their stations and power.

6. What did the Narrator's uncle do for a living before he died?
(a) He was a mining executive.
(b) He was an artist.
(c) He was a preacher.
(d) He was a poet.

7. What has taken too long to finish according to Pommerer in East Berlin that makes him angry?
(a) Reunification.
(b) Fighting.
(c) Partition.
(d) Reconstruction.

8. Who arrives to distribute food and supplies in 1945 where the Narrator resides?
(a) The Italians.
(b) The Russians.
(c) The Americans.
(d) The Germans.

9. Instead of raping, what do the foreigners that visit where the Narrator lives in 1945, do instead?
(a) Buy homes.
(b) Burn effigies.
(c) Have love affairs.
(d) Fight indiscriminately.

10. When Biermann is exiled, what do his supporters in East Berlin fear?
(a) A lack of spontaneity.
(b) A change in power.
(c) A ransom.
(d) A ritual of control.

11. What is Gartenschläger arrested for stealing?
(a) A diamond.
(b) A gun.
(c) A jacket.
(d) A robot.

12. Who is the co-worker that was found to have Western currency in his apartment and later is declared to be insane?
(a) Gartenschläger.
(b) Pommerer.
(c) Bolle.
(d) Butterfly.

13. In Pommerer's favorite bar, what does the Narrator complain about?
(a) His hair.
(b) His fears.
(c) His age.
(d) His stories.

14. What does the Narrator bring into East Berlin that he is allowed to carry?
(a) His phone.
(b) His dog.
(c) His cat.
(d) His stories.

15. In West Germany, what does Bolle find that no one is willing to join him in doing?
(a) To fortify the Wall.
(b) To destroy the Wall.
(c) To climb the Wall.
(d) To escape the Wall.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert think is a fairy tale for those who choose to not know better?

2. What is everything in the DDR about?

3. What does Pommerer fear that his phone troubles are linked to?

4. What does Bolle push to radicalize that protests the Wall?

5. Who single-handedly fought against the DDR according to Robert?

(see the answer keys)

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