The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Veldt Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the nursery create scenes?
(a) The scenes are based on books that the children read
(b) They are interactive television programs
(c) They are images taken with a camera and then uploaded onto the screens
(d) It creates it telepathically based on what the children are thinking

2. What are the children’s names?
(a) Penelope
(b) Liza, Ray, Flora
(c) Ruby and Max
(d) Peter and Wendy

3. What form of writing is The Veldt?
(a) A novella
(b) A short story
(c) A poem
(d) A novel

4. Who says, “I don’t want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else is there to do”?
(a) Lydia
(b) George
(c) Wendy
(d) Peter

5. Which word is used to describe the hallway?
(a) Suffocating
(b) Soundproofed
(c) Narrow
(d) Long

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the children tell their parents that they won’t be home for dinner?

2. What is the problem that Lydia is beginning to feel with the house?

3. How far away are they when the nursery lights come on?

4. What is found on the floor of the nursery?

5. What trembles as if “something had jumped against it”?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where are George and Lydia Hadley?

2. What do they see when they all walk into the nursery together so that George can prove Africa is in there?

3. What is odd about the children when Dr.McClean arrives?

4. Why does George feel perspiration on his brown when he is in the nursery?

5. Why aren’t Wendy and Peter at dinner?

6. What does David McClean find on the floor of the nursery?

7. Explain the following quote: “And again George Hadley was filled with admiration for the mechanical genius who had conceived this room. A miracle of efficiency selling for an absurdly low price. Every home should have one.”

8. How is dinner served to George and Lydia?

9. Lydia says about the nursery: “It’s supposed to help them work off their neuroses in a healthful way.” What does this mean? Has it worked?

10. Why is George hesitant to lock up the nursery? What does he fear?

(see the answer keys)

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