The Veldt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Veldt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 76 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What form of writing is The Veldt?
(a) A novella
(b) A short story
(c) A poem
(d) A novel

2. What is Lydia’s initial solution?
(a) To get rid of the machines
(b) To tear the room down
(c) To do nothing; the children will throw a fit
(d) To lock the nursery for a few days until her nerves are settled

3. Where does the family plan on going for vacation?
(a) To Oklahoma
(b) To Hawaii
(c) To Florida
(d) To Iowa

4. Complete the sentence: “…the walls began to ________ and recede into __________distance…”?
(a) Argue / dark
(b) Talk / far
(c) Purr / crystalline
(d) Shimmer / blinding

5. Which word is used to describe the hallway?
(a) Long
(b) Narrow
(c) Soundproofed
(d) Suffocating

6. How many children are there in the family?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) Two

7. How do the children tell their parents that they won’t be home for dinner?
(a) They called on a cellular phone
(b) They just come home late
(c) They “televised” home to say they’d be late
(d) They transported an image of themselves

8. Who thinks Wendy changed the nursery from a veldt to a forest?
(a) David
(b) Both George and Lydia
(c) Peter
(d) Ruby

9. When Lydia sits down in the chair, what does it do?
(a) It rocks and comforts her
(b) Puts a blanket on her
(c) Offers her a cup of coffee
(d) It does nothing; it is a chair

10. What concerns George?
(a) George is concerned that they don’t have enough money to pay their bills
(b) George is concerned that Lydia doesn’t have enough to do in the house
(c) George is concerned that his children don’t come home for dinner
(d) George is concerned that the lions were killing and eating, which means that for this to happen his children had thought of death

11. What turns on and off as they walk through the house?
(a) The lights
(b) The heat
(c) Music
(d) Television walls

12. What point of view is The Veldt told from?
(a) Third-person limited
(b) First person
(c) Second person
(d) Third-person omniscient

13. How does the nursery create scenes?
(a) They are images taken with a camera and then uploaded onto the screens
(b) They are interactive television programs
(c) It creates it telepathically based on what the children are thinking
(d) The scenes are based on books that the children read

14. What is found on the floor of the nursery?
(a) Wendy’s blankie
(b) An old wallet of George’s
(c) Dirty dishes
(d) Cigarettes

15. What is “busy humming it to itself” in the opening paragraphs?
(a) The baby
(b) The nursery
(c) The stove
(d) The robot maid

Short Answer Questions

1. Who calls George and Lydia into the nursery?

2. What does the found item smell like?

3. What do George and Lydia think is broken?

4. What doesn’t Dr. McClean think “feels good”?

5. What does Wendy offer Dr.McClean?

(see the answer keys)

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