The Unvanquished: The Corrected Text Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Unvanquished: The Corrected Text Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has changed since the boys went looking for Grumby and Ab?
(a) Jefferson has been destroyed.
(b) The war has ended.
(c) Drusilla and John are married.
(d) A new war has started.

2. Why does Bayard kill Grumby?
(a) Grumby tried to shoot him.
(b) Grumby will never stop stealing.
(c) Grumby spoke ill of Bayard's mother.
(d) Grumby killed Granny.

3. Where do Bayard and Ringo hear Ab has gone?
(a) Vicksburg.
(b) Tennessee.
(c) Alabama.
(d) Montana.

4. How does Grumby try to disarm Bayard and Ringo?
(a) By fighting them.
(b) With a gun.
(c) With pleasant words.
(d) By distracting them.

5. What occupies all of Sartoris' time since returning from the war?
(a) Seeing Drusilla.
(b) Comforting his son.
(c) Rebuilding his house.
(d) Finding his lost mules.

6. How did Aunt Louisa feel about Drusilla going to war?
(a) She was on the fence.
(b) She was appalled.
(c) She was proud.
(d) She didn't know.

7. Drusilla complains: "I went to war to hunt Yankees, not hunting ______."
(a) Children.
(b) Deer.
(c) Women.
(d) Confederates.

8. Where does the stranger shoot Buck?
(a) In the leg.
(b) In the stomach.
(c) In the foot.
(d) In the arm.

9. Sartoris is running against Benbow to become _______.
(a) Marshall.
(b) Treasurer.
(c) Town representative.
(d) Mayor.

10. The travel of findings Grumby and Ab is ______.
(a) Treacherous.
(b) Cold and wet.
(c) Hot and humid.
(d) Easy.

11. Why does Bayard set Ab free?
(a) He will help Buck get home.
(b) Ab promises him money.
(c) Ab needs medical attention.
(d) He knows Ab won't come back.

12. How does Louisa respond to Drusilla's return home?
(a) She wishes Drusilla had been a better soldier.
(b) She is happy Drusilla is back.
(c) She feels Drusilla has shamed the family.
(d) She wants Drusilla to go north.

13. While camping, a _______ stranger arrives.
(a) Familiar looking.
(b) Female.
(c) Well-dressed.
(d) Union.

14. Ringo believes: "The war ain't over. It just _____ good.
(a) Started.
(b) Ended.
(c) Got.
(d) Paused.

15. Where does Sartoris relocate the voting to?
(a) His house.
(b) The next town.
(c) The old slave cabins.
(d) The post office.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Granny been doing with much of her earnings from their scheme?

2. During the war, where was Benbow?

3. Why are the Burdens in Jefferson?

4. Who does Sartoris shoot in the town hall?

5. Why was Louisa letdown by election day?

(see the answer keys)

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