The Twelve Caesars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Twelve Caesars Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Augustus appoint to watch over the districts in the city?
(a) Wards.
(b) Senators.
(c) Magistrates.
(d) Representatives.

2. What title does Tiberius decline to be called?
(a) High Priest.
(b) Consul.
(c) Imperator.
(d) Priest.

3. Who does Julius partner with to stand for a consulship?
(a) Bibulus.
(b) Bitteraus.
(c) Bigginas.
(d) Billiganus.

4. Who does Julius marry his daughter to?
(a) Limertan.
(b) Pompey.
(c) Sicilia.
(d) Arabia.

5. What is Gaius standing next to when Jupiter kicks him?
(a) Jupiter's temple.
(b) Jupiter's throne.
(c) Jupiter's horse.
(d) Jupiter's house.

6. How does a commoner try to kill Claudius?
(a) By running him over with a horse.
(b) By poisoning him.
(c) By tripping him.
(d) By stabbing him.

7. What surname is Gaius given as a joke?
(a) Antony.
(b) Caligula.
(c) Theodorus.
(d) Brutus.

8. After Sulla's death, what rank does the Assembly give Julius?
(a) Colonel.
(b) Major.
(c) General.
(d) Leader.

9. Where does Antony go when he tries to escape Augustus?
(a) Sphinxator.
(b) Alexandria.
(c) Libya.
(d) Cairo.

10. Who is Tiberius's first wife?
(a) Fatlipsana.
(b) Telipsana.
(c) Calipsana.
(d) Vipsania.

11. When Tiberius' mother dies, what does he do?
(a) Throw her body in the ocean.
(b) Throw a party.
(c) Not attend her funeral.
(d) Design a statue.

12. How is Julius Caesar killed?
(a) In battle.
(b) Assasination.
(c) Poison.
(d) By accident.

13. What is struck by lightning on the Ides of March during Gaius's reign?
(a) The Capitol at Italia.
(b) The Capitol at Capua.
(c) The Capitol at Tuscany.
(d) The Capitol at Rome.

14. In what district does Gaius begin building an aqueduct?
(a) Senate.
(b) Liverus.
(c) Tiber.
(d) Temple.

15. Tiberius makes all Egyptians and Jews burn what?
(a) Their religious idols.
(b) Their religious texts.
(c) Their religious clothing.
(d) Their religious decorations.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Agrippa related to Augustus?

2. Who is Tiberius's second wife?

3. How long does it take before Tiberius leaves Rome once he is the leader?

4. The Temple of ______ Mars is one of Augustus's famous public works.

5. What does Claudius hide behind when he hears Gaius is dead?

(see the answer keys)

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