The Tracker Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tracker Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Brown (naturalist)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Predator", why does Stalking Wolf want Brown to kill a deer?
(a) To test him.
(b) Because he is hungry.
(c) Because there are too many deer.
(d) To win a bet.

2. In "Thoreau Summer", what makes Brown transform back into a "human"?
(a) Laughing.
(b) Watching a deer.
(c) Seeing civilization.
(d) Eating a large meal.

3. What does Brown do to the poachers truck in "Guardian"?
(a) Takes the battery.
(b) Slashes the tires.
(c) Lets all the gas out.
(d) Lights it on fire.

4. What do Brown and Rick divide among themselves when Rick moves away?
(a) Pictures from camping trips.
(b) Plaster casts of tracks.
(c) The money they saved.
(d) Their skull collection.

5. After killing the deer in "Predator", what do Brown and Stalking Wolf do with the hide?
(a) Make a bag.
(b) Make a blanket.
(c) Make a cloak.
(d) Burn it.

6. What happened to the man by the Jeep in "The Journeyman"?
(a) He was looking for his dog.
(b) He had a heart attack.
(c) He ran out of gas.
(d) He had a flat tire.

7. In "True Lostness", why do Rick and Brown spray paint messages on a sewer pipe?
(a) As a type of poetry.
(b) As a way to kill time.
(c) As a form of art.
(d) As a protest.

8. Why must Brown travel in "The Journeyman"?
(a) To make his family happy.
(b) To get over his sadness.
(c) To win a medal.
(d) To become a master.

9. In "Thaw", what do Brown and Rick think may have made the tire tracks they find?
(a) A Buick.
(b) A large truck.
(c) A motorcycle.
(d) A Jeep.

10. In "True Lostness", what do Brown and Rick find in the beaver den?
(a) Baby beavers.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Money.
(d) Skeletons.

11. According to Stalking Wolf, what must a person blend with their surroundings if they want to go undetected?
(a) Their faces.
(b) Their voices.
(c) Their energy.
(d) Their soul.

12. What causes Brown to lose the handicapped man's trail in "Search"?
(a) His fatigue.
(b) The sun.
(c) Animals covering up the trail.
(d) The rain.

13. Who teaches the art of invisible walking?
(a) Shadow.
(b) Rick.
(c) Stalking Wolf.
(d) Brown.

14. What does Brown do when he finds the hand sticking out of the ground during a camping trip?
(a) Calls for Rick.
(b) Kicks it.
(c) Hangs a cup up on it.
(d) Screams and runs.

15. How many packs of dogs help to look for the handicapped man in "Search"?
(a) Two.
(b) None.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of "Predator", what does Brown say he will mostly hunt with?

2. How far must Brown and Rick hike to find a pay phone to call for help after finding a dead body?

3. In "Bear Smacking", how far from home does Brown go?

4. In "Invisible Walking", why don't Brown and Rick go rushing to Stalking Wolf after their camping trip?

5. How old are Brown and Rick in the chapter "Thaw"?

(see the answer keys)

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