The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

Sogyal Rinpoche
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

Sogyal Rinpoche
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sogyal begin this chapter by discussing?
(a) The death of animals
(b) The importance of the book
(c) Near death experience
(d) The Chinese invasion of Tibet

2. Who did one monk do as the Chinese led him to his death?
(a) Experience near death
(b) Sing
(c) Chant
(d) Laugh

3. Who passes judgment after the battle for salvation?
(a) The Lord of Death
(b) Buddha
(c) The Lord of the After Life
(d) The red devil

4. What are the balls of light known as?
(a) Kiplo
(b) Deities
(c) Tikli
(d) Fire balls

5. Who does Sogyal dedicate the book to?
(a) Those who perished in Tibet
(b) People looking for better lives
(c) Buddha
(d) Israel

6. What practice does Sogyal recommend?
(a) Radiancy
(b) Phowa
(c) Jhomna
(d) Karma

7. How does Sogyal improve their next life?
(a) Dying in a positive state of mind
(b) Praying
(c) Meditating
(d) Dying surrounded by loved ones

8. What is absolute nature known as?
(a) Sohoyul
(b) Dharmakaya
(c) Nirmanakaya
(d) Sambhogkaya

9. What does Sogyal define at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Samsara
(b) Compassion
(c) Sympathy
(d) Unconditional love

10. Which of the following is a source of extremely high negative karma?
(a) Drugs
(b) Marriage for money
(c) Suicide
(d) Euthanasia

11. What does one need to cleanse during Phowa?
(a) Attitudes towards death
(b) Desire
(c) An angry spirit
(d) Negative karma

12. What does a master pray for when someone dies?
(a) Rebirth
(b) Bardos
(c) karma
(d) Heaven

13. Why had Khysentse and Sogyal traveled to Sikkim?
(a) To buy a new monastry
(b) Khysentse had fallen ill
(c) To visit Buddha's grave
(d) China had invaded Tibet

14. Who does Sogyal say died in 1991?
(a) Ghandi
(b) Yoganda Dilpak
(c) Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
(d) His father

15. What does Phowa allow one to do?
(a) Die serenely
(b) Relax
(c) Move into an afterlife
(d) Attain enlightenment

Short Answer Questions

1. Who else does Sogyal say one must assist during this process?

2. What does those who died in suffering relive on the seventh day?

3. Name one thing that a person who has experienced death has felt?

4. What must one practice prior to the removal of the body?

5. What is the outer dissolution?

(see the answer keys)

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