The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While imprisoned inside Palmer Eldritch's created Chew-Z world, Leo decides to kill the real Palmer Eldritch for what reason?
(a) Because he and Chew-Z pose great threats to humanity.
(b) Because Palmer Eldritch has made a fool of him.
(c) Because he believes it is what is supposed to happen, according to his precogs' predictions.
(d) Because he knows he will be ruined financially if he does not.

2. Anne reports that while she had been inhabiting Perky Pat with the female citizens of Barney's hovel, they had all been engaging in what activity?
(a) Reading.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Gossiping.
(d) Bickering.

3. From whom does Leo discover that Palmer Eldritch has administered an antidote to Chew-Z to Leo?
(a) Palmer Eldritch.
(b) Roni.
(c) Dr. Smile.
(d) The little girl.

4. What action does the dog take when it reaches the monument to Leo's defeat of Palmer Eldritch?
(a) It touches the monument, which then disappears.
(b) It paws at the monument.
(c) It sits in front of the monument and whines.
(d) It urinates on the monument.

5. What form is Palmer Eldritch taking in the Chew-Z world when he tells Leo to retire?
(a) A gluck.
(b) Dr. Smile.
(c) A little girl.
(d) Palmer Eldritch.

Short Answer Questions

1. What object appears under Leo's desk, causing him to realize that he is still imprisoned within the Chew-Z world?

2. How does Leo feel upon seeing the monument dedicated to his own killing of Palmer Eldritch?

3. Only what body can legally route Barney back to Earth?

4. What is one unit of Can-D called?

5. What action do Roni and Barney briefly consider taking, just before Leo is captured by Palmer Eldritch?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the reasons behind Barney's decision to stop fighting the emigration draft.

2. In what way are Barney's experiences with Anne on Mars significant?

3. What reason does Barney state when he is asked by Icholtz why he wants to chew Can-D?

4. How and when had Palmer Eldritch acquired his distinctive eyes?

5. Describe how Can-D works.

6. Describe how the theme of selflessness arises during Leo's imprisonment at the hands of Palmer Eldritch.

7. How and when had Palmer Eldritch acquired his distinctive teeth?

8. What is the price difference between Can-D and Chew-Z?

9. What connection does Leo draw between his sighting of a Proxer standing over Dr. Smile and the nature of Palmer Eldritch?

10. What terms does Palmer Eldritch present to Leo just before Leo tries to strangle him?

(see the answer keys)

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