The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Three-Body Problem Test | Final Test - Easy

Cixin Liu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the first extraterrestrial that contacts Ye Wenjie claim to be in Chapter 23, "Red Coast VI"?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A pacifist.
(c) A researcher.
(d) A politician.

2. During what time period has Wang Miao arrived when he plays the Three Body game in the beginning of Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"?
(a) The Xia dynasty.
(b) The Bronze Age.
(c) The European High Middle Ages.
(d) The Shang dynasty.

3. Who is shot, injured, and taken to the hospital during the conflict in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?
(a) Xu Bingbing.
(b) Lei Zhicheng.
(c) Lei Dafeng.
(d) Shi Qiang.

4. What has the Great Pyramid been replaced with in the Three Body game in Chapter 19, "Three Body: Einstein, the Pendulum Monument, and the Great Rip"?
(a) The Eiffel Tower.
(b) An ancient castle.
(c) The United States World Trace Center.
(d) The United Nations Headquarters.

5. Who confirms that there are records from previous civilizations to support the concept of three suns in Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"f?
(a) Rachel Carson.
(b) Leonardo da Vinci.
(c) Yang Weining.
(d) Yan Weining.

6. What civilization comes to an end in the Three Body game in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?
(a) Civilization 192.
(b) Civilization 184.
(c) Civilization 116.
(d) Civilization 99.

7. What causes the Mount Wilson Observatory to have more natural steady air than any location in North America?
(a) A natural wind coverage.
(b) An inversion layer that traps smog.
(c) A dead zone for radio signals.
(d) A light refractor around its surface.

8. How many troops does Emperor Qin Shi Huan order to participate in the gate computing system in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?
(a) 10 billion.
(b) 30 million.
(c) 30 billion.
(d) 20 million.

9. Where is the Mount Wilson Observatory located?
(a) Los Angeles, California.
(b) Phoenix, Arizona.
(c) Paris, France.
(d) London, England.

10. What word from Chapter 28, "The Second Red Coast Base" means to make an idea or cause widely known?
(a) Promulgate.
(b) Emigrate.
(c) Emulate.
(d) Corrugate.

11. What is Ye Wenjie's respons when Wang Miao asks her why the Lord is so afraid of nanotechnology in Chapter 24, "Rebellion"?
(a) Nanotechnology could lead humans to more space construction.
(b) Nanotechnology could lead humans to the discovery time-continuums.
(c) Nanotechnology could lead humans to war.
(d) Nanotechnology could lead humans to discover their planet.

12. Who is Shen Yufei's husband?
(a) Wei Cheng.
(b) Bai Mulin.
(c) Yan Weining.
(d) Cheng Lihua.

13. When did Leonardo da Vinci live?
(a) 1564-1642.
(b) 540-500 BC.
(c) 1452-1519.
(d) 1624-1700.

14. Who is discovered to have been murdered in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?
(a) Shen Yufei.
(b) Bai Mulin.
(c) Yang Dong.
(d) Yang Weining.

15. What pope does Wang meet in the Three Body game in Chapter 15, "Three Body: Copernicus, Universal Football, and Tri-Solar Day"?
(a) Pope John Paul.
(b) Pope Gregory.
(c) Pope Samuel.
(d) Pope Benedict.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom does Wei Cheng describe his wife having argued with in the past in Chapter 16, "The Three Body Problem"?

2. For how long is the gate computing system put into place in Chapter 17, "Three Body: Newton, Von Neumann, the First Emperor, and Tri-Solar Syzygy"?

3. What does Ye Wenjie begin doing with the locals near the base of the Red Coast in Chapter 26, "No One Repents"?

4. For what reason does the narrator describe Ye Wenjie accepting her marriage proposal in Chapter 23, "Red Coast VI"?

5. What is the circumference of the Earth's sun?

(see the answer keys)

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