The Thomas Berryman Number Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thomas Berryman Number Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ochs know so much about Horn?
(a) A fellow reporter gave him information.
(b) He was related to him.
(c) He was good friends with him.
(d) Past articles he's written.

2. What was charged to the person's credit card who contacted Ochs due to his newspaper articles?
(a) Airplane tickets to France.
(b) A train ride.
(c) A seafood dinner.
(d) A gun.

3. What does Berryman remember about a trip he took to Mexico?
(a) A run-in with a group of hit men.
(b) A murder he planned.
(c) The fishing trip he went on.
(d) The fun he had with his brother.

4. What does Ochs believe his article about the murder of Horn will do to the Quinns?
(a) It will cause mistrust in them.
(b) Turn their lives upside down.
(c) It will not hurt them.
(d) Ruin their reputation.

5. What is unusual about the man Berryman goes to see in New York City with Oona?
(a) He wears a mask.
(b) He will not look them in the eye.
(c) He does not give his name.
(d) He wears an eye patch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Oona Quinn in relation to Berryman?

2. What does Berryman let slip to Oona the night they were together before the murder of Horn?

3. What does Berryman find when he breaks into Poole's house?

4. Who threatens Horn when he's on television?

5. What are Berryman's thoughts about the car that drives past his house several times?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the meeting between Berryman and Johnboy.

2. Why does Ochs go to Thomas Berryman's house, and how does he describe Oona Quinn?

3. What events take place right before Berryman leaves New York City, and what do the events cause him to do?

4. Why is Berryman's visit to Texas important to the story?

5. How does Ochs describe Jimmie Lee Horn?

6. Explain the meeting that takes place when Berryman takes Oona to New York City.

7. What suspicious event occurs while Berryman is at his beach house?

8. What does Ochs say about Oona's parents, the Quinns?

9. What happens when Horn is on television?

10. What does Ochs wonder about Oona after hearing her stories involving the murder of Horn?

(see the answer keys)

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