The Thistle and the Rose Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Eleanor Hibbert and Jean Plaidy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thistle and the Rose Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Eleanor Hibbert and Jean Plaidy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Betrothed, The Bridegroom, and The Rose and the Thistle.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened to the woman James first fell in love with?
(a) She was poisoned.
(b) She was killed for treason.
(c) She is killed by Margaret.
(d) She has been exiled.

2. Where do Margaret and James get married?
(a) The castle garden.
(b) They don't.
(c) Holyrood.
(d) Hollywood.

3. How does Margaret first react to James's infidelity?
(a) She is angry but continues to be seduced by him.
(b) She leaves to return home to England.
(c) She doesn't talk to him for a year.
(d) She doesn't care as long as she stays queen.

4. Who did James IV originally wish to marry?
(a) His cousin Mary.
(b) No one; he wanted to stay single for longer.
(c) Margaret Drummond.
(d) His servant Maryann.

5. What does Margaret's mother give birth to shortly after Margaret's wedding?
(a) A strong little boy.
(b) A strong little girl.
(c) A weak little boy.
(d) A weak little girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Arthur (in relation to the young Henry)?

2. Which two siblings are most at odds as children?

3. Who is the child Margaret encounters one day in the castle shortly after she marries James?

4. What country does the opening of "The Thistle and the Rose" take place in?

5. What does Henry always want as a child?

(see the answer key)

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