The Thirteenth Tale Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Winter returns to the telling of her story, she talks of the village men asking for Dr. Maudsley's help with the twins. How does the doctor first attempt to solve the problem?
(a) He, according to common practice of the time, uses leeches to try to clean their blood.
(b) He diagnoses insanity and recommends that the twins be sent to an asylum.
(c) He sends his wife to talk to the twin's mother.
(d) He visits every day for two weeks and then gives up in failure.

2. What pain does Margaret occasionally feel, especially at night?
(a) A pain in her side.
(b) Headaches.
(c) Cramps in her hand, from writing so much.
(d) A burning sensation on her scars, left over from a fire.

3. What happens when the doctor tries to calm Hester after her "ghost sighting"?
(a) She only gets more upset and frightenend.
(b) He must give her a sedative, and she faints.
(c) She refuses his help, thinking he assumes she is weak.
(d) He hugs her, and they kiss.

4. What is peculiar about the many interviews given by Vida Winter?
(a) She prides herself on her honesty, despite her painful past.
(b) She finds it fun to make every reporter cry.
(c) She has never told the truth about her life.
(d) She will never speak for more than thirty minutes.

5. The following adjectives best describe Charlie as a child:
(a) Neglected, violent, mean.
(b) Smart, sullen, stubborn.
(c) Not-bright, sickly, kind.
(d) Athletic, handsome, mean.

Short Answer Questions

1. Margaret says of herself, "gradually, my reading became less random." What becomes the primary interest, or focus, of her reading?

2. What do Hester and John-the-dig argue about?

3. When the doctor comes to Angelfield, he recommends what?

4. What is a perambulator?

5. Vida Winter is reluctant to let Margaret leave for a few days. Why?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Margaret find at the Banbury Herald? What information does she NOT find?

2. Describe why Hester and the doctor thought it might be important to separate the twins.

3. Describe Margaret's reaction to reading Vida Winter's books.

4. Who raises the twins?

5. Describe the orientation of the Angelfield house.

6. Relate the circumstances surrounding Isabelle's birth.

7. Describe the circumstances of the first meeting between Margaret and Aurelius.

8. List a few specific details about Vida Winter's appearance on Margaret's first meeting.

9. What happens to Mrs. Maudsley when she arrives at Angelfield to check on the twins?

10. Relate a few ways that the bookstore contributed to Margaret's education.

(see the answer keys)

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