The Thirteenth Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is in the envelope that Margaret reads while looking down the hill to Angelfield?
(a) A check for twenty thousand dollars to publish the biography.
(b) Vida Winters thirteenth tale.
(c) A letter from her own twin.
(d) A letter from Hester.

2. Who was Kitty?
(a) Aurelius' first wife.
(b) Mrs. Love.
(c) Mrs. Loves' sister.
(d) The cat that was tormented by Adline and Emmeline.

3. How does Margaret help Vida Winter after the telling of these painful memories?
(a) She finds Hester.
(b) She helps her decide to find a new doctor.
(c) She holds her and comforts her in the pain of the memory.
(d) She sings to her when her physical pain is severe.

4. Typically, Margaret's childhood birthdays were marked by:
(a) Special meals prepared by her mother.
(b) Secret presents from her father and silence.
(c) Large birthday parties with friends.
(d) Excursions around London, and a picnic.

5. Why doesn't the doctor come as soon as Emmeline has died?
(a) A snowstorm has brought down the phone lines.
(b) He refuses to participate in the lie to keep WInter's identity secret.
(c) He is also sick, perhaps a kidney disease.
(d) He has gone to London and is unavailable.

6. Who was the father of Emmeline's child?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Ambrose.
(c) The Missus' nephew.
(d) John-the-dig.

7. The picture of Karen's son shows a resemblance to whom?
(a) His grandfather, Ambrose Proctor.
(b) Aurelius.
(c) John-the-dig.
(d) Charlie Angelfield.

8. As a child, whose name did Margaret write often in the phonetic alphabet?
(a) The name of her twin.
(b) The names of her favorite authors.
(c) Her own name.
(d) Jane Eyre.

9. Which two characters meet after many years in private rooms at Winter's house?
(a) Aurelius and his brother.
(b) Margaret and Margaret's mother.
(c) Adeline and Emmeline.
(d) Aurelius and Emmeline.

10. Who has Margaret arranged to meet at Angelfield this second time?
(a) Angeline.
(b) Hester.
(c) Aurelius.
(d) John-the-dig.

11. Which of the three children became Vida Winter?
(a) Adeline.
(b) Emmeline.
(c) Ambrose's daughter.
(d) The third, unnamed child.

12. What does Vida Winter give to Margaret as she is leaving?
(a) A box with an identical spoon to Aurelius' spoon.
(b) Hester's diary.
(c) A letter proving that Aurelius is her son.
(d) A book about twins.

13. John-the-dig hires someone to:
(a) Replace "the missus," cook, and help with housework.
(b) Help in the garden.
(c) Be a governess for the twins.
(d) Repair the walls and fallen roof of the estate.

14. What lie does Adeline tell Mr. Lomax about Charlie?
(a) She says Charlie has just gone away for a few days.
(b) She says Charlie has found a second house in London.
(c) She says he is away hiring people to fix the estate.
(d) She says Charlie has gone away to find them a new governess.

15. Why does Margaret use the phonetic alphabet after her night in the garden?
(a) To impress Winter with her skill.
(b) She knows that twins have a secret language, and she tries to help the twins.
(c) To try to decipher the words spoken by the person she saw in the garden.
(d) To leave a message for the gardener.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened moments before Margaret's return to Vida Winter's house?

2. What are the words that come to Margaret as she struggles to understand them?

3. In Aurelius' "inheritance," there is a page from what book?

4. When Aurelius takes Margaret to his home, what does he do?

5. What ultimately happens to Ms. Winter's house?

(see the answer keys)

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