The Thirteenth Tale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The following adjectives best describe Charlie as a child:
(a) Athletic, handsome, mean.
(b) Neglected, violent, mean.
(c) Smart, sullen, stubborn.
(d) Not-bright, sickly, kind.

2. What does Aurelius Love bring to Margaret after she falls?
(a) A photograph.
(b) A cup of tea and some cake.
(c) A golf cart so she would not have to walk on her sore foot.
(d) Bandages and crutches.

3. The name of the house and estate where Vida Winter grew up (as Adeline) was called:
(a) Angelfield.
(b) Hanley Downs.
(c) Dangerfield.
(d) Moorlands.

4. What is peculiar about the many interviews given by Vida Winter?
(a) She prides herself on her honesty, despite her painful past.
(b) She will never speak for more than thirty minutes.
(c) She finds it fun to make every reporter cry.
(d) She has never told the truth about her life.

5. When she learns the truth about being a twin, Margaret feels:
(a) Enlightened. She now understands her lifelong feeling of loneliness.
(b) Angry. She is furious that her parents had not told her the truth previously.
(c) Curious. She wants to learn more, and becomes intent on researching missing information.
(d) Elated. She is happy that she has a sister and is eager to meet her.

6. As the twins grow, what disturbing pattern emerges regarding them in the village and surrounding houses?
(a) The twins talk of drowning their mother and poisoning the servants.
(b) The twins begin to frighten smaller children with stories about ghosts.
(c) The twins walk into unlocked houses and take what they want.
(d) The twins are caught running without clothes on through the middle of town.

7. What is the disturbing event that take place between the two twins after Hester has left?
(a) Adeline attacks and harms Emmeline.
(b) It is implied that Charlie, their uncle, sexually abuses them.
(c) The girls become physically attracted to the same young man.
(d) Emmeline attacks and harms Adeline.

8. How did Merrily get her name?
(a) Her parents named her Merrily.
(b) Her name was Mary Leigh, and she laughed often.
(c) When she was little, she sang the song called "Merrily, Happily, Longingly."
(d) Her mother had a clear, contagious laugh.

9. Where does Hester's lengthy conversation about the twins take place?
(a) In the library.
(b) On a boat, so that twins can not hear.
(c) In the topiary garden.
(d) In the twin's playroom.

10. What is the first question Margaret asks Vida WInter?
(a) Whether Winter is terminally ill and fears death will end her life soon.
(b) What happened to the (missing) thirteenth story in her first book.
(c) Her real name.
(d) An explanation about the rumor that her house is haunted.

11. When Ms. Winter is in pain, what is the metaphor she uses to describe this pain?
(a) A storm with brutal winds.
(b) A wolf.
(c) A curtain that suffocates her.
(d) A tiger.

12. What process does Margaret use to write the biography?
(a) She has brought along a small portable typewriter; this works fine as her room is not close to others.
(b) She writes only key words in the interview, then immediately after elaborates with pencil and paper.
(c) She uses a small tape recorder; with this aid she can get nearly every conversation written down.
(d) She records every word of the interview, then goes back later to eliminate what is not important.

13. What does Hester typically do after cleaning a room in Angelfield?
(a) Take down all of the pictures.
(b) Invite the twins to see the difference.
(c) Lock the room.
(d) Spray a perfume with the fragrance of lavendar.

14. What odd behavior does Isabelle's father display in the early days of Isabelle's life?
(a) He wanders the streets of the village at night, drunk.
(b) He becomes convinced people are stealing from him, so he becomes suspicious and miserly.
(c) He gallops horses up and down the moors, often in the moonlight.
(d) He refuses to come out of his room; he does not eat or sleep.

15. Where does the first meeting between Margaret Lea and Vida Winter take place?
(a) On the moors, outside the house.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) In the hallway outside Margaret's bedroom, late at night.
(d) In Winter's library.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the landscape like on the trip north to Vida Winter's house?

2. What is Margaret's least favorite month?

3. What kind of writing of Margaret's has been published?

4. Winter's frankness and honesty create a strong first reaction in Margaret. Early in their first conversation, Margaret:

5. When the doctor comes to Angelfield, he recommends what?

(see the answer keys)

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