The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part One, Beginnings: Dickens's Study, The Almanacs, In the Archives of the Banbury Herald, Ruins, The Friendly Giant, and Graves,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the phrase from the letter Margaret has received that keeps running through Margaret's mind?
(a) "You alone can help me."
(b) "Tell me the truth."
(c) "Authors are liars."
(d) "I need to find myself."

2. Vida Winter learned most of the family history by listening to whose stories?
(a) The Missus, who was the main kitchen servant.
(b) Her uncle, who wrote down the history.
(c) Her grandmother.
(d) The stable boy who was like her old brother.

3. Is the report of the Angelfield fire confirmed by the Banbury Herald newspaper?
(a) Apparently not. There was no mention of a fire at Anglefield.
(b) Perhaps. There was a fire, but not in the year Winter had reported.
(c) The fire was only in the barn, not in the main house.
(d) Yes.

4. Vida Winter says she starts one book as soon as she finishes another because she is afraid to confront which person who keeps trying to get her attention?
(a) Herself as a younger person.
(b) Her twin.
(c) Her dead mother.
(d) Her father.

5. What is one peculiar aspect of the twins?
(a) They speak in their own language.
(b) One laughs constantly; the other cries constantly.
(c) The tear out their own hair.
(d) They are identical except for their hair color.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where, and with whom, will Margaret eat her meals?

2. What do the children do that make John-the-Dig and Missus sad?

3. Margaret insists that she must leave for how many days?

4. Where does Margaret begin her research to verify the three parts of Ms. Winter's story?

5. What is the proof Margaret sees to prove she was a twin?

(see the answer key)

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