The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Thirteenth Tale Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Diane Setterfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Two, Middles: Underwater Cryptography, Hair, Rain and Cake, and Reunion,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the twins grow, what disturbing pattern emerges regarding them in the village and surrounding houses?
(a) The twins begin to frighten smaller children with stories about ghosts.
(b) The twins are caught running without clothes on through the middle of town.
(c) The twins talk of drowning their mother and poisoning the servants.
(d) The twins walk into unlocked houses and take what they want.

2. What news does Vida Winter's doctor give to Margaret?
(a) He advises her to go behind WInter's back and contact her twin.
(b) He tells Margaret that it would be wise to begin wearing gloves and a mask when she is near Winters.
(c) He tells her Vida Winter is terminally ill.
(d) He tells her that Vida WInter has no more than one week to live.

3. What experiment (for research's sake) do Hester and the doctor carry out?
(a) Using bribery to entice Charlie to leave Angelfield.
(b) Isolation and starvation as treatment for mental ilness.
(c) Shock treament for mental illness.
(d) The separation of Angeline and Emmeline.

4. Hester has become quite well-read on what subject?
(a) The treatment of mental illness using leeches.
(b) The relationship and behavior of twins.
(c) The architecture of old English houses.
(d) The geneological history of the Angelfield family.

5. Who is in the perambulator for the dangerous ride downhill?
(a) The neighbor's dog.
(b) Adeline.
(c) Merrily's baby.
(d) Emmaline.

Short Answer Questions

1. Typically, Margaret's childhood birthdays were marked by:

2. What are the words that come to Margaret as she struggles to understand them?

3. What is a perambulator?

4. After several days of interviewing Vida Winter, Margaret decides she must leave for a few days. Why?

5. Why does the roof at Angelfield get worse soon after Hester leaves?

(see the answer key)

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