The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Levi learn when he gets his laptop back?
(a) Boaz is better at computers than he made it out.
(b) Boaz knew he had snooped in his accounts.
(c) Boaz actually does plan to hike the Appalachian trail.
(d) Boaz needs Levi's help.

2. What does Celine do before leaving the two young men?
(a) Asks Levi to come back and see her
(b) Asks to come visit Levi
(c) Gives Boaz a letter from her brother
(d) Programs her phone number into Levi's phone

3. What does the man say that upsets Levi?
(a) That Boaz is not there.
(b) That Boaz called and changed his plan to visit.
(c) That Boaz is sleeping.
(d) That Boaz went to the grocery store.

4. What is one thing Levi has with him when he goes to find Boaz?
(a) Harmonica
(b) $1,000
(c) Letter from Christina
(d) Letter from their mother

5. What does Dov want when he calls the next morning?
(a) To meet Celine and Levi
(b) To bring them some more money and letters
(c) To meet Levi and Dov in Baltimore
(d) To see how they are doing

6. What does Zim give Levi for Levi's birthday?
(a) Skateboard
(b) Small camera
(c) Programmable sim card
(d) Ticket to a concert

7. What does Christina say about Boaz's problem?
(a) He was hurt and still is since she broke up with him.
(b) His problem has to do with not knowing what to do with his life.
(c) His problem is not to do with her.
(d) His problem has to do with an Iraqi woman he loves.

8. Why does Levi go down to the basement of Celine's aunt's house that night?
(a) It's where he is sleeping
(b) To call Amanda
(c) To be with Celine
(d) To get on the computer

9. What does Levi realize when he sees his mother crying at the school sign?
(a) She is not as clueless as he thought.
(b) She is still clueless about what Boaz is really doing.
(c) She knows Boaz may never return.
(d) He has not been supportive of his mother.

10. What is scribbled all over a map that belonged to Boaz?
(a) Numbers
(b) Addresses
(c) Names
(d) Dates

11. How does Levi react in Jack Bradford's room?
(a) Quiet
(b) Sad
(c) Enthusiastic
(d) Faint

12. Why does Levi stop at a Chinese restaurant?
(a) Pearl wanted him to bring some takeout back.
(b) To get some tea.
(c) To rest for a few moments.
(d) To ask directions back to the motel.

13. When does Levi stop in his first attempt at encountering Boaz?
(a) When he gets back to Runnels.
(b) After about an hour of walking.
(c) When Pearl forces him to stop.
(d) When he gets back to his original starting point.

14. Why does the family have a special dinner?
(a) Abba's sister is visiting.
(b) For Boaz's last night before his trip.
(c) Amanda's sister and brother-in-law are visiting.
(d) Levi is celebrating being accepted to Columbia.

15. What happened once when Boaz was riding in a Humvee?
(a) It hit a child that ran across the road.
(b) They got lost and were late to deploy and they were disciplined.
(c) It broke down and they were surrounded by insurrgents.
(d) It hit an IED.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reason Boaz says he walks instead of rides?

2. What does Levi find in Boaz's closet?

3. What does Pearl ask Levi concerning Boaz as they are driving?

4. Who does Levi meet up with when he gets to his destination?

5. What astonishes Levi when they reach Celine's aunt's house?

(see the answer keys)

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