The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Boaz tell Levi he thinks is broken?
(a) Boaz's foot
(b) Nothing
(c) Boaz's arm
(d) Boaz's motherboard

2. Where does Levi take his skateboard?
(a) An area near the White House
(b) The Museum of Natural History
(c) The Museum of American History
(d) The Washington Monument

3. Where does Levi calculate Boaz will head next?
(a) He is not sure
(b) Runnels
(c) Orange
(d) Edison

4. Where does Dov get a lunch for Boaz?
(a) Veggie Wrap Palace
(b) Mexican take out
(c) The Armenian Deli
(d) Polish Hotdog Hut

5. Why does the man say in reply to Levi saying he wants Boaz to come home?
(a) That Boaz is always going to be a Special Forces soldier.
(b) That Boaz needs time to come find himself.
(c) That Boaz does not feel comfortable at home.
(d) That Boaz is a Marine and always will be.

6. What makes Boaz and Jack laugh until they cry?
(a) A story about one of their war buddies
(b) A story about Jack's ex-wife
(c) Seeing Levi's shaved head
(d) A joke they had learned at war

7. What does Levi wonder when he sees Boaz walking down the street?
(a) If Boaz will find some peace wherever he's going.
(b) If Boaz is really going to hike the Appalachian trail.
(c) If Boaz cares about anyone but himself.
(d) If Levi will ever see his brother again.

8. What does Celine say she has to re-learn?
(a) How to talk to her brother
(b) How to interact with her parents
(c) Caring about little things
(d) How to be a young person

9. Where is Boaz's first stop?
(a) Washington, D.C.
(b) Johnstown
(c) Syracuse
(d) Poughkeepsie

10. What does the man say happens when a girl becomes a girlfriend?
(a) They become witches.
(b) They learn to lie.
(c) They lose their innocence.
(d) They become cold.

11. What do Levi and Celine decide they have in common?
(a) Experiences with their brothers
(b) Best friends who are of the opposite sex
(c) Love of the out-of-doors
(d) Love of technology

12. What does Levi find in Boaz's closet?
(a) A service revolver
(b) A letter from another soldier
(c) A phone Amanda bought for Boaz
(d) A letter to him

13. Who is Loren?
(a) Boaz's counselor
(b) The person who's house Pearl and Levi go to in Syracuse
(c) A name that is written in a list on Boaz's computer
(d) The person who's house Pearl and Levi go to in Poughkeepsie

14. What does Levi learn when he gets his laptop back?
(a) Boaz actually does plan to hike the Appalachian trail.
(b) Boaz is better at computers than he made it out.
(c) Boaz needs Levi's help.
(d) Boaz knew he had snooped in his accounts.

15. What astonishes Levi when they reach Celine's aunt's house?
(a) The aunt is not home and just left a note and the house keys.
(b) Celine is sitting on the front porch.
(c) Boaz treats Celine's aunt like an old friend.
(d) Celine has a twin brother who is at the aunt's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do several men lift up Jack onto the stage?

2. What does Zim give Levi for Levi's birthday?

3. What does Jack Bradford show Levi and Boaz?

4. What does Boaz read up on stage?

5. Why does Boaz leap into the ditch while they are walking?

(see the answer keys)

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