The Things a Brother Knows Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Pearl?
(a) Levi and Boaz's mother
(b) Boaz's wife
(c) Boaz's best friend
(d) Levi's best friend

2. What is the significance of PAR-PAR?
(a) Levi's personal password
(b) Hebrew word for butterfly
(c) Hebrew word for vengeance
(d) A game Boaz plays on his computer

3. What happens about Levi's job application/
(a) He is put on a will-call list.
(b) He has to go in for a second interview.
(c) He receives the job.
(d) He is turned down.

4. Why does Boaz's father slam his fist on the table?
(a) He is angry with the Army for not providing counseling for Boaz.
(b) He is angry that Amanda bothers Boaz.
(c) He wants to know when Boaz is going to come out of his room.
(d) He is angry that Boaz can be recalled to the service.

5. What do Levi and Zim have in common?
(a) They both want to be in the Air Force.
(b) They share a birthday.
(c) The have the same grandparents.
(d) They both love Hebrew class.

6. Why does the family think Boaz will be coming down for dinner?
(a) They hear the shower and Boaz's razor.
(b) They hear him banging around in his room.
(c) He asks for clean clothes.
(d) He told Amanda he might come down for dinner.

7. What nicknamed had Amanda once given Boaz?
(a) Human Vacuum
(b) Boaz the Bountiful
(c) Bright Boaz
(d) Human Hoover.

8. Why does Levi not feel badly about going out?
(a) He planned this outing before they knew Boaz would be home.
(b) Boaz told him to go.
(c) Boaz is holed up in his room anyway.
(d) He hasn't gone out in several weeks.

9. What did Levi used to feel for Boaz?
(a) Inferior
(b) Indifference
(c) Hate
(d) Love

10. Where does Dov want to take Abba and the boys?
(a) Dov's favorite Chinese restaurant
(b) Dov's favorite Mexican restaurant
(c) Their cabin at the beach
(d) A camping trip

11. What tattoo does Christina have on her ankle?
(a) Butterfly
(b) Heart with Boaz's initials
(c) Marine Corps Symbol
(d) Dolphin

12. How does Boaz act on his leaves while in the military?
(a) Cheerful
(b) Wild
(c) Depressed
(d) Distant and remote

13. What does Levi notice all over Boaz's room when he goes into the room?
(a) Pictures of Christina
(b) The walls are stripped bare
(c) Pictures of war
(d) Maps

14. What does Levi know not to ask Boaz?
(a) Why he won't see Christine.
(b) If he is going back to college.
(c) If he is going to stay at home long.
(d) Why he is obsessed with maps.

15. Why is it incongruous where Pearl goes to school?
(a) Pearl is Chinese and Buddhist.
(b) Pearl is Japanese and Jewish.
(c) Pearl is Jewish and Chinese.
(d) Pearl is Native American.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Levi get annoyed with Zim?

2. Why does Levi love sitting next to Pearl?

3. Who is Max?

4. How does Levi believe Boaz will get to wherever he goes?

5. How does Levi now feel about Boaz?

(see the answer keys)

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