The Theory of the Leisure Class Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Theory of the Leisure Class Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What promotes the predatory aptitudes and predatory animus?
(a) Pecuniary employments.
(b) Ownership.
(c) Industrial labor.
(d) Craftsmanship.

2. When, according to Veblen, does the leisure class change most?
(a) When there are no wars.
(b) When the economy is adapting to changes.
(c) When the question of succession to the throne or presidency is at issue.
(d) When there are conflicts abroad but not at home.

3. What is the state of the institution with regard to the present moment?
(a) It is never fully caught up to the present.
(b) It transcends the present moment.
(c) It represents a snapshot of the present moment.
(d) It predicts how people will behave in the future.

4. What does Veblen say is the purpose of devout observances?
(a) To capture some of the spoils of exploitation in the church.
(b) To lower the economic efficiency of a community.
(c) To motivate the community to greater efficiency.
(d) To give time for reflection, reconsideration, and invention.

5. According to Veblen, what effect does education have on the leisure class?
(a) It teaches the values of the leisure class and hands them down.
(b) It preserves the values of the leisure class from the its own apostasy.
(c) It opens the leisure class to the new rich in each generation.
(d) It teaches the leisure class the middle class values it will need to survive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What force does Veblen say drives change in the leisure class?

2. What kind of value does Veblen say gambling has?

3. What is education's relationship with the supernatural, according to Veblen?

4. According to Veblen, how do men's attitudes change as they acquire more and more pecuniary interest in their work?

5. According to Veblen, women in the leisure class are partially exempt from what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do institutions change?

2. What are the effects of devout observances?

3. How do lower-class delinquents manifest the fighting spirit?

4. What are the ethnic types Veblen defines, and how does he describe them?

5. How does Veblen describe the situation of modern women, the women of his time?

6. How does the workman manifest his animistic view about luck?

7. How does Veblen describe devout observances?

8. How is education similar to the observance of devotional functions and magic?

9. What traits in men are required for the success of a community, in Veblen's description?

10. How does Veblen describe the gambling temperament?

(see the answer keys)

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