The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the soldiers do with Mig?
(a) They take her to the castle.
(b) They send her to her father.
(c) They set her free.
(d) They give her a new coat.

2. What does Mig cut off with the large knife?
(a) Despereaux's tail.
(b) Despereaux's ear.
(c) Despereaux's arm.
(d) Despereaux's leg.

3. What makes Despereaux weep?
(a) Exhaustion, despair and hope, joy and pain, gratitude.
(b) The loss of his tail.
(c) Fear and disappointment, nausea and loss.
(d) Love and friendship, loss and loneliness.

4. What does the Princess ask Roscuro?
(a) If he'd make a deal with them.
(b) If he'd like to live upstairs.
(c) If he'd like some soup.
(d) If he wants his freedom.

5. What dark things are in Pea's heart?
(a) Hatred for Mig and Roscuro, and pity for her mother.
(b) Disgust for the filth that Roscuro represented.
(c) Hatred for Roscuro and pity for Mig.
(d) Hatred for Roscuro and sadness that her mother was gone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Roscuro ask her to do when she begins talking?

2. What does Louise never do?

3. What does Despereaux hold onto as Botticelli takes him deep into the dungeon?

4. Why does Roscuro claim to have brought the Princess downstairs?

5. What does Roscuro tell Mig about?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Mig supposed to do with the food she takes down to the dungeon?

2. What deal does the Princess make with Roscuro?

3. What does Despereaux find the Cook doing when he manages to roll the thread as far as the kitchen?

4. Why does Mig refuse to chain the Princess up at first for Roscuro when they get to the spot where Roscuro intends to keep her?

5. What does Despereaux see after he grabs hold of Botticelli's tail and is led through the dungeon?

6. How is Despereaux injured, despite Mig's attempt to ensure his freedom?

7. What does Miggery do in the castle?

8. What do Roscuro and Mig ask the Princess to do before they take her down to the dungeon?

9. What happens to Miggery Sow after her mother dies?

10. What other positions does Miggery hold and why don't they work out?

(see the answer keys)

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