The Tain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who announces the day and time that is perfect for conceiving a child who would gain great fame in Ireland?
(a) Senchan.
(b) Muirgen.
(c) Nes.
(d) Cathbad.

2. Who refuses Conchobor's sexual advances?
(a) Macha.
(b) Derdriu.
(c) Nes.
(d) Fergus.

3. Who kills a guard dog?
(a) Conchorbor.
(b) Cuchulainn.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Macha.

4. How long does the curse on the men of Ulster last?
(a) 9 generations.
(b) 9 months.
(c) 90 days.
(d) 9 years.

5. How many neighborhood boys does Cuchulainn defeat as a toddler?
(a) 1.
(b) 25.
(c) 150.
(d) 15.

6. Who raced the chariot?
(a) Macha.
(b) Fergus.
(c) Ailill.
(d) Dredriu.

7. How many grown soldiers were lifted over the warrior's head?
(a) 12.
(b) 2.
(c) 15.
(d) 30.

8. Which king is forced into exile by the men of the community?
(a) Derdriu.
(b) Conchobor.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Muirgen.

9. Which girl does Cuchulainn court?
(a) Emer.
(b) Aife.
(c) Dredriu.
(d) Domnall.

10. Who kills Cuchulainn's son?
(a) Cuchhulainn.
(b) Forgall.
(c) Domnall.
(d) Emer.

11. Of which community does Fergus rule as king?
(a) Ulster.
(b) Allil.
(c) Ireland.
(d) Tain.

12. Who saved Conchobor and his son Cuscraid from the battlefield after they were defeated by King Eogan?
(a) Fergus.
(b) Cuchulainn.
(c) Nes.
(d) Domnall.

13. Which drunk man slept with his sister?
(a) Conchobor.
(b) Senchan.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Muirgen.

14. Who catches a "bug" from a drink of water?
(a) Deichtine.
(b) Derdriu.
(c) Macha.
(d) Conchobor.

15. How does the toddler Cuchulainn defeat the neighborhood boys?
(a) By throwing a tantrum.
(b) By telling their mothers.
(c) By going into a warp spasm.
(d) By puking on them.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the army circumvent the trap left in the road for them?

2. To whom does Fergus tell stories about Cuchulainn's great adventures and exploits?

3. Who is Donn Cuailnge?

4. What is strange about Fedelm?

5. Who is Emer's father?

(see the answer keys)

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