The Surgeon's Mate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Surgeon's Mate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can prevent a ship from determining its longitude?
(a) A broken gyrocompass.
(b) A broken chronometer.
(c) Cloudy skies.
(d) A broken sextant.

2. What is Jagiello supposed to be doing?
(a) Teaching Dalgliesh how to sail around the reefs near Gibraltar.
(b) Infiltrating the Barbary Coast group.
(c) Pretending to be someone he is not.
(d) Advising and observing.

3. Where is the convoy of which the Ariel is part traveling at the beginning of Chapter 9?
(a) The Baltic straits.
(b) The Ionic Sea.
(c) The Canaberra Sea.
(d) The Straits of Gibralter.

4. Where do the transports loaded with Catalan troops go?
(a) To France.
(b) To the coastal waters off Brazil.
(c) Back to Samaurez' fleet.
(d) To England to wait out the war.

5. What do the Ariel and Humbug do cooperatively?
(a) Heave the Minnie off the mud flat.
(b) Install a new mail sail on the Minnie.
(c) Capture the Minnie and straigten out her sails.
(d) Repairs the hole in Minnie's hull from the underground reef.

6. With whose fleet does the Ariel rendezvous?
(a) Admiral Sir Drake.
(b) Admiral Sir James Saumarez.
(c) Admiral Lord Nelson.
(d) Admiral Hornblower.

7. What ill omen occurs during the planning of the mission?
(a) Aubrey drops and breaks the glass in which he offers a toast.
(b) Aubrey cannot find his map of the Grisholm area.
(c) Aubrey's sword slips out of its scabbard when he hands it to Maturin.
(d) Aubrey spills wine on the uniform Maturin is to don.

8. What is held after meeting up with the fleet?
(a) A celebration for the end of the War of 1812.
(b) A celebration for the capture of the USS Constitution.
(c) More political discussions and planning sessions.
(d) A fest held for the native Gibraltons.

9. Who is the HMS Jason chasing?
(a) The French ship-of-war Lafayette.
(b) The French ship-of-war Médusae.
(c) No one.
(d) French ship-of-war Marsailles.

10. Who joins Aubrey in chasing the Minnie?
(a) The Shannon.
(b) The Blarney.
(c) The Humbug.
(d) The Java.

11. What is Jagiello's most prominent feature?
(a) One arm is missing.
(b) His overwhelming beauty and enormous sex appeal.
(c) His huge nose.
(d) A scarred face from a ship fire.

12. What does Aubrey discuss with Maturin at this point in the book?
(a) An involved discussion of the merits of his wife versus Amanda Smith.
(b) A rather technical discusssion of time and navigation.
(c) A technical discussion of loading procedures for getting the right trim.
(d) A technical discussion of sail shapes.

13. Who is Jagiello?
(a) A pirate for whom Ariel has hired for advising.
(b) A character in a Shakespeare play that Maturin is reading.
(c) A young officer of the Swedish service.
(d) One of the sailmen.

14. What do Maturin and Jagiello do one foggy morning?
(a) Practice hand-to-hand combat.
(b) Practice their swordplay.
(c) Jump overboard to save someone who fell off the flying bridge.
(d) Go aloft.

15. What happens when the Minnie is chased as planned?
(a) It is fired upon and turns and flees.
(b) It is fired upon and sunk.
(c) It is fired upon and damaged badly.
(d) It makes dock without drawing hostile fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Maturin try to teach Jagiello?

2. Where do the Catalan forces go?

3. Why would Grisholm give the Minnie docking privileges?

4. How does Blaine brief Maturin about the meeting with the commander of Grimsholm?

5. What does Aubrey call the view from the crow's nest?

(see the answer keys)

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