The Stone Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jemisin, N. K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jemisin, N. K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who leads Castrima?
(a) Lerna.
(b) Hjarka.
(c) Ykka.
(d) Tonkee.

2. How does Nassun sometimes sooth Schaffa when Father Earth tortures him?
(a) She feeds him some of her silver magic when he is not paying attention.
(b) She sings his favorite song.
(c) She makes his favorite food.
(d) She tells him stories about good times she had with her mother.

3. Why were the tuners disturbed by their first sight of a concrete building?
(a) They were used to living in structures that are, themselves, alive.
(b) They thought it looked unbearably ugly.
(c) They found the surface rough and painful to touch.
(d) Shaping stone was sacreligious to them.

4. How does the vehimal propel itself after Nassun summons it?
(a) It flies on giant wings.
(b) It walks on hundreds of legs.
(c) It moves forward with giant cilia that poke from its side.
(d) It rolls on wheels.

5. How do the people of Castrima contain the captive soldiers from Rennanis in the first two chapters of the novel?
(a) They have all of the soldiers executed.
(b) They exile all of the soldiers.
(c) They confine them in wooden devices called prangers.
(d) They keep the soldiers in a jail.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unusual about the animals and plants in Old Man's Pucker?

2. How has Maxixe changed since Essun last saw him at the Fulcrum?

3. What does Nassun fear will happen if she lets Steel take her to Corepoint?

4. What purpose does Schaffa give for taking the orogenes from Found Moon?

5. Yaetr Innovator Dibars described an orogene who turned partially to stone, just like Essun. What became of that orogene?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Kelenli first meets the other tuners, to what does she attribute her success in riding the onyx obelisk?

2. When Schaffa and Nassun arrive at Old Man's Pucker, they camp outside the forest before heading in to look for the Station. Why?

3. Why was Found Moon created?

4. How does Schaffa explain his cruelty towards the orogenes when he and Nassun discuss the issue on their way to the Station?

5. How does Schaffa describe the Shattering?

6. How does Nassun convince Schaffa to let her protect him after she summons the vehimal at the station?

7. What does Maxixe realize about Essun when they are reunited in the stone forest?

8. Why can the stone eaters track Nassun?

9. Why does Ykka say she is mad at Essun when Essun first wakes up from her coma?

10. What causes the Guardians Umber and Nida to attack Nassun?

(see the answer keys)

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