The Stone Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jemisin, N. K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stone Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jemisin, N. K.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "14: I, at the end of days"-“Coda: Me, and You”.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Hoa, why did Alabaster flee the Fulcrum?
(a) His world could not function without slavery.
(b) He ran away to become a stone eater.
(c) He could not stand his family and friends.
(d) He ran away to become a node maintainer.

2. How does Nassun sometimes sooth Schaffa when Father Earth tortures him?
(a) She sings his favorite song.
(b) She makes his favorite food.
(c) She feeds him some of her silver magic when he is not paying attention.
(d) She tells him stories about good times she had with her mother.

3. Where did Gallat take the tuners for their third lesson?
(a) A new kind of vehimal.
(b) A sylanagistine school.
(c) Another museum.
(d) The amethyst obelisk's socket.

4. What happened to Maxixe and Essun's friend Crack?
(a) They were turned into a stone eater.
(b) They were murdered by soldiers from Rennanis.
(c) They were made part of a node maintainer.
(d) They were lost in a ravine.

5. Who does Hoa credit with destroying Syl Anagist?
(a) Essun.
(b) The vehimals.
(c) Himself.
(d) Nassun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the relationship between tuners and orogenes?

2. The Leadership families of Yumenes believed that the world was once ruled by whom or what?

3. What happens to the Moon after the conflict in Corepoint?

4. How did Kelenli walk among the crowd of Syl Anagist?

5. Why does Nassun hesitate while commanding the Obelisk Gate?

(see the answer key)

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