The Source of Self-Regard Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Source of Self-Regard Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 8: Part II--God’s Language, including the essays “The Source of Self-Regard” through “Invisible Ink: Reading the Writing and Writing the Reading”.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Moral Inhabitants," Morrison says that the ability to make fine distinctions shows what?
(a) Morality.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) Intelligence.
(d) Prejudice.

2. In "The Site of Memory," Morrison remarks on the absence of what in slave narratives?
(a) Details of everyday life on the plantations.
(b) Sophisticated use of language.
(c) Historical accuracy.
(d) Depictions of the narrator's interior life.

3. In "The Site of Memory," Morrison says that slave narratives had two purposes: one was to record the life of an individual human being, and the other was what?
(a) To contribute to the historical record.
(b) To rebut narratives by plantation owners.
(c) To condemn their former masters.
(d) To advance the cause of abolition.

4. In "Memory, Creation, and Fiction," Morrison says what of her process of writing Tar Baby?
(a) She chose the most memorable details from her memory of being told the story.
(b) She deliberately excluded any details that could be found in Western retellings of the story.
(c) She edited out the more disturbing details of the original story.
(d) She researched several versions of the folktale.

5. In "Rememory," Morrison complains that a racist society has what effect on her as a writer?
(a) It prevents her from being honest.
(b) It makes her question her talent.
(c) It makes her feel burdened by her Blackness.
(d) It hobbles her imagination.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Future of Time," Morrison uses repetition of what phrase?

2. In "Unspeakable Things Unspoken," Morrison brings up Bernal's two models of Greek history in order to illustrate what point?

3. In "The Source of Self-Regard," which two of her works does Morrison chiefly discuss?

4. In "The Slavebody and the Blackbody," Morrison says what about slavery?

5. What does the title "Academic Whispers" refer to?

(see the answer key)

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