The Souls of Black Folk Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Souls of Black Folk Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the whites in John’s hometown say about him going to school?
(a) It would corrupt him.
(b) It would help the community.
(c) It would spoil him.
(d) He would never return.

2. Why did John kill the white John, son of the Judge?
(a) For theft.
(b) For an insult.
(c) For pure spite.
(d) For groping his sister.

3. What consolation does DuBois imagine, for the likelihood that his son would have lived in a racist society, if he lived?
(a) He might always have returned to Africa.
(b) He might have become the leader who would change things.
(c) He might have borne it lighter than he himself had.
(d) The times might have changed by the time he matured.

4. Which is NOT one of the components of the Southern Negro Revival?
(a) The frenzy.
(b) The choir.
(c) The music.
(d) The preacher.

5. When does DuBois say universal suffrage a popular topic in the South?
(a) The 1870s.
(b) The 1850s.
(c) The 1890s.
(d) The 1820s.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does DuBois say blacks typically see in the area of law and justice?

2. How does DuBois characterize John Jones?

3. How does DuBois characterize the revival preacher?

4. What does DuBois say the sorrow songs grope toward?

5. How long does it take John to come home?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Alexander Crummell overcome the temptation of Despair?

2. What was the Port Royal experiment?

3. What did the Fisk Jubilee Singers accomplish?

4. How has the loss of the plantation life resulted in the isolation of black and white cultures?

5. What vision does DuBois have, of the blacks’ importance in the world economy?

6. What vision does DuBois have, of a future for American blacks?

7. How does DuBois characterize the Frenzy the Southern Negro revival meeting?

8. What is DuBois’ final hope for his book?

9. Why does DuBois think that his son might have been fortunate to die young?

10. How are the physical dwellings of blacks and whites related, in DuBois' account?

(see the answer keys)

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