The Sisters Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the matter with the boy's horse in Part II?
(a) The horse only had one ear.
(b) The horse was small and sickly looking and had no saddle.
(c) The horse was missing shoes.
(d) The horse was missing an eye.

2. Why did Eli cross the threshold of the house with the string of beads?
(a) He had to go to the bathroom.
(b) He needed to get food.
(c) A grizzly bear attacked Tub and he wanted to save the horse.
(d) He wanted some fresh air.

3. What did the Sisters brothers find with the prospector's belongings?
(a) A letter to the prospector's mother.
(b) Valuable medicines.
(c) A stash of rare gems.
(d) Many guns and ammunition.

4. How much money did the Sisters brothers steal from Mayfield in gold?
(a) About $50,000.
(b) About $3,000.
(c) About $30,000.
(d) About $1,500.

5. Why did Eli object to climbing through the shack's window with Charlie?
(a) Eli did not believe in curses.
(b) Eli was afraid of heights.
(c) Eli had a broken arm and could not get up to the window.
(d) Eli was heavier than Charlie and was afraid he would not fit through the window.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who won the duel?

2. What did the boy with the wagons ask Charlie and Eli for?

3. Who was the boy with the grouping of wagons waiting for?

4. What did Williams do in the duel that was shameful?

5. What did Eli suggest doing for the boy with the wagons after he regained consciousness?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Eli and Charlie kill the reddish-colored she-bear as they continued on their journey?

2. Why was Mayfield interested in and asking the Sisters brothers about a man with a limp in Oregon city?

3. What did Charlie and Eli do to Mayfield after they killed the trappers?

4. Why did Eli ask the waiter in the restaurant in Jacksonville to cut down his meal portion and bring him more vegetables?

5. What was the trouble with the horses Eli references in the first chapter?

6. Why did Eli tell Charlie he had dreams about becoming a shop keeper someday?

7. How did Eli treat the boy once he had surprisingly caught up with him and Charlie?

8. Why did Charlie pull a gun on Doctor Watts, the dentist who lanced Eli's face?

9. What happened between Eli and the female innkeeper where he and Charlie stopped for the night early in the journey?

10. Who did Eli meet at Mayfield's hotel who helped him and warned him of the danger about to befall he and Charlie?

(see the answer keys)

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