The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Patrick deWitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Eli and Charlie have to leave Tub behind as they approached Warm's claim?
(a) Tub drowned in the river.
(b) Tub broke his leg.
(c) Tub was too ill to continue.
(d) Tub got attacked by a raccoon.

2. What did the brothers pass on the way out of San Francisco?
(a) A group of dead prospectors.
(b) A dead, skinned and partially mutilated horse that had died the previous day.
(c) A group of dead bears.
(d) A group of prostitutes.

3. What was the name of the ferry Charlie and Eli boarded after leaving San Francisco?
(a) The Mermaid.
(b) Old Ulysses.
(c) The James Joyce.
(d) The Eagle Eye.

4. What did the stable hand at the hotel need to tell Eli about Tub?
(a) Tub needed to have a cut stitched up.
(b) Tub's eye needed to be removed.
(c) Tub had lost a shoe.
(d) Tub needed to be put down.

5. What did the prospector tell Charlie and Eli about the camp of men they would pass on their way to Warm's claim?
(a) To buy some food and drugs from the men at the camp.
(b) Not to stop in hopes of making friends with the men there.
(c) That the men at the camp were very friendly.
(d) To ask the men at the camp if they had seen Warm and Morris.

6. What did Eli tell Charlie he thought about the prospectors whose camp they passed on the way to Warm's claim?
(a) They looked like horse traders.
(b) They looked like killers.
(c) They looked like lawyers.
(d) They looked like chefs.

7. What did the prospector who approached Eli and Charlie near Warm's claim ask of the brothers?
(a) To borrow some money.
(b) To borrow a horse.
(c) To borrow their fire to make some coffee.
(d) To borrow a gun.

8. What was the first prospector the brothers met in San Francisco carrying under his arm?
(a) A bridle.
(b) An umbrella.
(c) A briefcase.
(d) A chicken.

9. What did Eli compare killing Warm and Morris to?
(a) Killing their own brothers.
(b) Killing criminals.
(c) Killing animals.
(d) Killing women and children.

10. What color beard did the hotel manager say the man Morris left with have?
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) Red.
(d) Gray.

11. How did Warm get away from the Commodore at their last meeting?
(a) He drugged the Commodore.
(b) He poisoned the Commodore.
(c) He hit the Commodore in the head with a paperweight.
(d) He shot the Commodore.

12. What did Charlie tell Eli would happen if they killed the Commodore?
(a) They would become rich.
(b) They would have to flee the country.
(c) They would take over the Commodore's business.
(d) The Commodore would have men in place to avenge his death.

13. How long did the hotel manager say Morris had been gone?
(a) Ten days.
(b) Four weeks.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Four days.

14. What did the Sisters brothers tell Warm about how they learned about his formula?
(a) They told him they had read about his formula in the newspaper.
(b) They told him the townspeople had told them.
(c) They told him the prospectors down the river had told them.
(d) They told him they learned the facts from Morris and from Morris's journal.

15. In his writings, how did Morris describe the way Warm had approached him for the first time?
(a) Morris said Warm had been sad.
(b) Morris said Warm had been smooth and charming.
(c) Morris said warm had been angry and abusive.
(d) Morris said Warm had been drunk and had smelled terrible.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Warm perform a demonstration of his invention for Morris?

2. How did the Sisters brothers manage to escape from Warm upon their first meeting?

3. What color was the woman's dress and scrap of fabric she passed between her hands at The Black Skull?

4. What did Eli tell Charlie just before they left San Francisco for Sacramento to find Warm and Morris?

5. How did the hotel manager respond to Charlie's request to see what Morris had left behind?

(see the answer keys)

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