The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sirens of Titan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Unk's rifle is a vintage model. From which war is his gun?
(a) World War II.
(b) World War I.
(c) The Vietnam War.
(d) The Spanish-American War.

2. At the end of his multi-day party, what does Malachi give to each of the women at his party?
(a) An emerald ring.
(b) A diamond bracelet.
(c) An oil well.
(d) A new car.

3. Which flag is flying in front of Unk's barracks?
(a) The Russian flag.
(b) The United States' flag.
(c) Canada's flag.
(d) France's flag.

4. What is chrono-synclasticinfundibulum?
(a) A medical device.
(b) A black hole.
(c) A warp region in space.
(d) A made up word.

5. Who was the second visitor to Noel's room at the Wilburhampton?
(a) A company fraud investigator.
(b) A Banking Commission agent.
(c) An insurance investigator.
(d) An Internal Revenue agent.

6. Watching the soldiers depart after the square formation, what would an observer wonder?
(a) Where the soldiers are going?
(b) Why there are so many soldiers?
(c) Who is really in charge?
(d) Who is playing the drums?

7. How long has Ransom K. Fern worked for Magnum Opus?
(a) Forty-seven years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Thirty-eight years.

8. What happens to Unk when he pauses before the bound man?
(a) The order to Unk is repeated.
(b) A warning pain shoots through Unk's head.
(c) Unk passes out.
(d) The man thanks Unk.

9. Rumfoord mentions that Malachi's son will find something special. What is it?
(a) A watch.
(b) A money clip.
(c) A silver coin.
(d) A small piece of metal.

10. At the beginning of "Tent Rentals", the story has shifted locations. Where is the story now taking place?
(a) On Earth.
(b) On Mars.
(c) On Mercury.
(d) On Titan.

11. When the company commander arrives for a surprise inspection, which soldier is slow in rising to attention?
(a) Boaz.
(b) Brackman.
(c) Salo.
(d) Unk.

12. What was one of Noel's guiding rules at the beginning of his investment career?
(a) Noel only purchased shares in high-growth industries.
(b) Noel only owned shares in one corporation at a time.
(c) Noel only bought shares in family-friendly corporations.
(d) Noel only sought companies that believed in space exploration.

13. How do the company commanders control their troops?
(a) Through hand signals.
(b) Through implanted antennas.
(c) Through rigorous training.
(d) Through hypnosis.

14. What does the President of the United States announce as a way to curb unemployment?
(a) The New Age of Modernization.
(b) The New Age of Space.
(c) The New Age of Competition.
(d) The New Age of Exploration.

15. What sport does Unk's son excel at?
(a) Baseball.
(b) Batball.
(c) Football.
(d) Soccer.

Short Answer Questions

1. .Where did Noel get the funds to start his company?

2. Who is ultimately responsible for everything on Mars?

3. How long has Salo been stranded on Titan?

4. There has only been one materialization in which a spectator was invited to witness the event. Since this particular materialization, what has Beatrice done?

5. According to Fern, at their meeting at the company headquarters, what does Malachi have yet to realize?

(see the answer keys)

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