The Shipping News Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shipping News Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Tert Card wear knot charms?
(a) Against the evil eye.
(b) Against canker sores.
(c) Against vampires.
(d) Against gout.

2. On what day does Nutbeem plan to leave?
(a) Tuesday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Sunday.

3. What pleasure does Wavey enjoy in St John's?
(a) Eating lunch at an expensive restaurant.
(b) Shopping for little girls.
(c) Spending up big with Quoyle's money.
(d) Spending up big in rich stores.

4. What aspect of journalism did Nutbeem handle well?
(a) Touchy stories.
(b) Interviews
(c) Investigations.
(d) Feature articles.

5. Why are two men sent to Waterford for observation?
(a) Taking their clothes off.
(b) Narrowly surviving drowning.
(c) Stealing a microwave.
(d) Letting a horse starve to death.

6. What does Wavey wonder about?
(a) When Quoyle will propose to her.
(b) How she'll teach Bunny to hook rugs.
(c) Bunny's mentioning of Petal.
(d) Whether or not she loves Quoyle.

7. What season is best for boat-building?
(a) Fall.
(b) Spring.
(c) Summer.
(d) Winter.

8. What fell from the latch as Quoyle exited?
(a) The handle
(b) Some green twine.
(c) Some seaweed.
(d) A length of knotted twine.

9. What happens to Nutbeem's bicycle?
(a) Quoyle steals it.
(b) Tert Card rides it into the woods, chasing the Hairy Devil.
(c) Diddy Shovel steals it.
(d) Diddy Shovel throws it into the bay.

10. For Quoyle and his family, what problem does winter bring?
(a) The road will be closed by snowfalls.
(b) The central heating bill will be massive.
(c) Heavy snow could cover the car.
(d) The road will be slippery.

11. What is one thing Quoyle actually likes about Christmas?
(a) The ads on the radio.
(b) Opening presents.
(c) Remembering his childhood Christmases.
(d) The smell of fir trees.

12. What prompts Quoyle to make another vow to lose weight?
(a) His doctor.
(b) His need to impress Wavey.
(c) His boss.
(d) His corduroy trousers are tight.

13. What new slant is suggested for the home page?
(a) Travel tales.
(b) International gourmet.
(c) Wildlife year.
(d) Lifestyles.

14. Why does the dinner begin with tears?
(a) Quoyle received his credit card bill.
(b) The aunt is annoyed with Bunny.
(c) Bunny fell over.
(d) Sunshine fell over.

15. What kind of fishing does Jack most prefer?
(a) Fly fishing for trout.
(b) Fishing for lobster.
(c) Fishing for cod.
(d) Salmon fishing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What's wrong with Marty's writing?

2. How did Quoyle occupy himself until lunch?

3. Who is Alvin's niece?

4. Who finally tells Bunny that Petal is dead?

5. What indirectly caused Jack's accident?

(see the answer keys)

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