The Sheltering Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sheltering Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the caravan of men traveling from city to city?
(a) In train cars.
(b) On foot, carrying tents on their backs.
(c) In rusted automobiles.
(d) On the backs of camels.

2. What is the name of the young slave boy who gropes Kit in the night?
(a) Atham.
(b) Otham.
(c) Utham.
(d) Etham.

3. Where does Kit wish she and Port were traveling to instead of El Ga'a?
(a) To France.
(b) To Italy.
(c) To Spain.
(d) To Greece.

4. How do Belqassim's wives feel about Kit living in their house?
(a) They are confused.
(b) They are afraid.
(c) They are jealous.
(d) They are apathetic.

5. Which of the following characters regularly visits a sauna to battle chills?
(a) Kit.
(b) Port.
(c) Lieutenant D'Armagnac.
(d) M. Abdelkader.

6. Who sits with Port when he dies?
(a) Zina.
(b) He dies alone.
(c) Kit.
(d) Broussard.

7. Who helps Kit escape from Belqassim's house?
(a) The servants.
(b) Kit escapes on her own.
(c) The neighbors.
(d) The wives.

8. What religion does Daoud Zozeph practice?
(a) Catholicism.
(b) Buddhism.
(c) Islam.
(d) Judaism.

9. What is the last sound Kit hears before falling to sleep on her first night in captivity?
(a) A baby crying.
(b) A rooster crowing.
(c) A dog howling.
(d) A gun firing.

10. Which religious building do Tunner and Kit visit while Port is dying?
(a) A mosque.
(b) A synagogue.
(c) A church.
(d) A cathedral.

11. What type of metal is used to make the bars that keep Kit locked in the basement?
(a) Steel.
(b) Gold.
(c) Iron.
(d) Copper.

12. Who forces Kit to eat her dinner even when she is not hungry?
(a) Broussard.
(b) Zina.
(c) Tunner.
(d) Port.

13. What is the name of the man running admittances in the military hospital of Sba?
(a) Smail.
(b) Broussard.
(c) Belqassim.
(d) Amar.

14. How does Kit dream of killing herself?
(a) By hanging.
(b) By poison.
(c) By drowning.
(d) By stabbing herself in the heart.

15. How often must Port take a pill to alleviate his fever?
(a) Every six hours.
(b) Every two hours.
(c) Every eight hours.
(d) Every four hours.

Short Answer Questions

1. What size is Belqassim's house?

2. Who sends word to Lieutenant D'Armagnac that the Moresbys have left town?

3. What is Kit's overwhelming emotion on the day she marries Belqassim?

4. What does Kit hear in the middle of the night that draws her away from Zozeph's house?

5. What medical epidemic has swept through El Ga's?

(see the answer keys)

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