The Sea, the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sea, the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Charles argue gently about how love should be expressed?
(a) Peregrine
(b) Lizzie
(c) Gilbert
(d) James

2. What does Gilbert offer to do for Charles in order to give him some service?
(a) Edit his book.
(b) Do the landscaping.
(c) Chaffeur.
(d) Servant.

3. What does Charles want Titus to consider him, though he has said this before?
(a) A friend
(b) His son
(c) His brother
(d) His uncle

4. Charles begins to rationalize that he was saved by _______________ during the attempted murder.
(a) Lizzie
(b) A freak wave
(c) The ghost of Clement
(d) Hartley

5. ______________ is murdered for his political/theatrical activism, Charles shares with the reader.
(a) Titus
(b) James
(c) Peregrine
(d) Gilbert

6. Who does Fitch recognize in the group from his days in the army?
(a) Rosina
(b) James
(c) Gilbert
(d) Peregrine

7. Who begins to drink heavily as a result of the death of one of the members of the household?
(a) James
(b) Peregrine
(c) Charles
(d) Lizzie

8. Charles sends _______________ to a pub, telling him to wait there for future instructions.
(a) James
(b) Peregrine
(c) Gilbert
(d) Titus

9. ___________ has left university in search of Charles as he wants to ask where Charles is actually his father.
(a) Titus
(b) Peregrine
(c) James
(d) Joseph

10. Who is NOT one of the people who go with Charles as he brings Hartley back to her home?
(a) Rosina
(b) Peregrine
(c) Gilbert
(d) James

11. Hartley becomes horrified when she finds out that Charles _________________.
(a) Listened in on her and Fitch.
(b) Has been lying to Titus.
(c) Tried to kill Fitch.
(d) Watched her as she slept.

12. Hartley tells Charles that all of his plans to make a family of her, him, and Titus are ______________.
(a) Useless
(b) Fairy tales
(c) Pointless
(d) Amazing

13. Charles decides to return to his life in the ____________, according to the diary entries.
(a) Art business
(b) Real estate market
(c) Theater
(d) Banking sector

14. Who confesses that he tried to kill Charles as a result of years of not liking Charles at all?
(a) Peregrine
(b) Titus
(c) James
(d) Gilbert

15. Fitch thought Hartley would be pleased by the ______________ he brought home for her.
(a) Dog
(b) Television
(c) Cat
(d) New couch

Short Answer Questions

1. Who spends the day in the sun, nursing a blinding headache as he is at Charles's house?

2. What is Hartley beginning to mutter to herself that she wants to do, besides go home?

3. Charles begins to think that Fitch killed ____________, though James doesn't think so.

4. Who decides to take over the cooking at the house for the group living with Charles?

5. What has fallen to the floor, releasing the demon within, according to Charles?

(see the answer keys)

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