The Scarlet Pimpernel Test | Final Test - Easy

Baroness Emma Orczy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scarlet Pimpernel Test | Final Test - Easy

Baroness Emma Orczy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Blakeney actually given Chauvelin as they sit talking a the inn in Calais?
(a) A sleeping draught.
(b) A stick of mild dynamite.
(c) Molasses.
(d) Black pepper.

2. Why does Chauvelin have the Jewish man beaten?
(a) For being too loud.
(b) For not stopping Blakeney.
(c) For being too slow.
(d) For taking them to the wrong place.

3. Where is Marguerite when she realizes that her husband is the Scarlet Pimpernel?
(a) Her bedroom.
(b) A carriage.
(c) The garden.
(d) The private office.

4. Where does Lord Blakeney tell his wife he plans to go after talking with Margeurite?
(a) North.
(b) France.
(c) Italy.
(d) South.

5. What time of day is Marguerite finally able to leave to find her husband?
(a) Dusk.
(b) Dawn.
(c) Midnight.
(d) Noon-day.

6. Where does Marguerite eat supper before leaving to find her husband?
(a) The Fisherman's Rest.
(b) The Ship's Gallery.
(c) The Greenfield Hotel.
(d) The Dock House.

7. How does the narrator describe the private rooms of the Blakeney house?
(a) Mysterious.
(b) Organized.
(c) All of these.
(d) Surprising.

8. What does Marguerite hide behind in the inn at Calais?
(a) A bed spread.
(b) A dirty sheet.
(c) A table cloth.
(d) A dressing screen.

9. Where did Margeurite say the Scarlet Pimpernel would be going the day after the ball?
(a) The Country.
(b) Germany.
(c) France.
(d) America.

10. How long does Lord Blakeney say he will be gone after talking with Margeurite?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 1 month.
(c) 1 fortnight.
(d) 1 quarter.

11. Who is the third person Margeurite talks to in the boudoir?
(a) Andrew.
(b) Chauvelin.
(c) Lord Blakeney.
(d) A servant.

12. How does Marguerite describe her surroundings in the Chat Gris?
(a) Small and smelly.
(b) Dirty and unpleasant.
(c) Quaint and unfamiliar.
(d) Strange and foriegn.

13. What is the Chat Gris?
(a) A pub.
(b) A train station.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) An inn.

14. What kind of ship is spotted just off the coast of where Armand was seen?
(a) A frigate.
(b) A schooner.
(c) A sloop.
(d) A barge.

15. What do the owners of the place Marguerite eats supper at think she is sailing away for?
(a) To escape the law.
(b) To save a fugitive.
(c) To attend a trial.
(d) To have an affair.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lord Blakeney tell Margeurite he is leaving after he talks with her?

2. What does Lord Blakeney do when he sees Chauvelin a the inn in Calais?

3. What does Chauvelin threaten to do to the soldiers who do not obey his every command?

4. What does Chauvelin offer to the Jewish man in return for solid information about Blakeny?

5. What time does Margeurite say the Scarlet Pimpernel will be in the supper room the night of the ball?

(see the answer keys)

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