The Scalpel and the Silver Bear Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lori Alvord
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Scalpel and the Silver Bear Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lori Alvord
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Twelve, The Spirit Horse's Bridle.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. ________ bark can be used to treat pain, and it is still being used today in chemical form.
(a) Fir.
(b) Willow.
(c) Evergreen.
(d) Redwood.

2. Alvord begins to feel the effects of disharmony in her life, which causes her to consider seeing a ____________.
(a) Medicine man.
(b) Midwife.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Shaman.

3. Alvord also tries to avoid _________ and arguments in order to help her baby stay calm.
(a) Confrontations.
(b) Appointments.
(c) Situations.
(d) Surgeries.

4. The medicine men point out to the doctors that there is a large supply of __________.
(a) Brazil nuts.
(b) Pinon nuts.
(c) Corn husks.
(d) Peanuts.

5. Alvord respects her patients desire to have __________ before they have any surgery.
(a) Smoke lodges.
(b) Ceremonies.
(c) Gatherings of family.
(d) Sacrifices.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the type of bark that can be used to treat scurvy?

2. Alvord's ________ has troubles with alcohol too, which allows her to see alcoholism as a disease rather than a character flaw.

3. Bernice is scared of anyone who wants to ________ into her granddaughter, according to this section of the book.

4. Patients are made to be _________ in the traditional medicine system, according to this book.

5. Alvord's __________, due to her training as a surgeon, often makes her look like a white woman.

(see the answer key)

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