The Samurai's Garden Test | Final Test - Medium

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Samurai's Garden Test | Final Test - Medium

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Matsu and Stephen arrive at Sachi's when they go to visit in September of 1938?
(a) With hesitation.
(b) Singing boldly.
(c) With arms full of vegetables.
(d) Muddy and tired.

2. Why does Stephen say he feels cheated?
(a) Matsu interrupted Sachi's story.
(b) He didn't get to thank Sachi properly for sharing her story.
(c) He did not get to work in Sachi's garden as planned.
(d) He resents the time spent on rebuilding the houses.

3. How does Stephen respond to Keiko's addressing of her father's behavior?
(a) He pushes her to discuss the issue.
(b) He gets angry at her attitude.
(c) He says her understands due to the war.
(d) He is saddened by her behavior.

4. What does Stephen think might be the reason that Keiko's father hates him?
(a) Protection of his daughter.
(b) Fear of the Chinese.
(c) His dislike of Matsu.
(d) Ancient family grievances.

5. Where do Stephen and Matsu spend the night after they help fight the fire in Yamaguchi?
(a) Hiro's house.
(b) Sachi's house.
(c) Michiko's house.
(d) Outside in Sachi's garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sachi's father hope would happen after she contracted leprosy?

2. What does Stephen's mother's letter tell him about her plans in the letter he receives in May of 1938?

3. What does Keiko tell Stephen when they meet at the beach in September of 1938?

4. What does the letter Stephen receives say about his mother's mood?

5. Where has Matsu been when he returns to the beach house?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Stephen feel that he is at danger from the war?

2. Why is the fishing knife of great importance to Matsu?

3. What is Sachi's relationship with Michiko?

4. How does Matsu feel about his sister's decision to deal with her disease?

5. How does Stephen feel when Matsu walks in and interrupts Sachi's story?

6. What is the significance of the conversation Stephen and Keiko have on the beach?

7. How does Sachi incorporate flowers in her garden?

8. What does Stephen describe as his memories of Keiko?

9. Compare Matsu and Tomoko as teenagers.

10. Explain how the war is impacting Stephen.

(see the answer keys)

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