The Robe Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robe Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the woman, Lydia, trying to get to Jesus in the crowd, cured of her illness?
(a) She touches Jesus's robe.
(b) Jesus prays for her to heal.
(c) She begs Jesus to lay his hand on her.
(d) She merely looks in Jesus's eyes.

2. What does Demetrius reveal about himself to Paulus, the new commander at Capernaum?
(a) He is a Christian.
(b) He has run away from Marcellus.
(c) He is in love with Miriam.
(d) He meant to kill the Syrian slave.

3. What does Marcellus purchase from Deborah on their way to Sepphoris?
(a) A brown robe.
(b) A donkey.
(c) Two saddlebags.
(d) Cloth.

4. On the night Jesus is on trial, what does his disciple Simon do that makes him sick with remorse?
(a) He denies knowing Jesus.
(b) He turns Jesus in to the authorities.
(c) He does not fight off the Roman soldiers.
(d) He disbelieves in Jesus's miracles.

5. What does Stephanos do when Marcellus lets him see and touch the robe in Chapter 19?
(a) He goes mad with depression.
(b) He faints from the privilege.
(c) He shows little interest.
(d) He loudly professes his faith.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Marcellus answer when Miriam asks him what he is really doing in Galilee?

2. When a woman sees Justus and Marcellus approaching Jacob's well, what does she do?

3. Why is it believed by those at Capri that Diana is being detained against her own wishes?

4. What happens when Stephanos speaks to a crowd of priests and well-dressed men from the business district?

5. When Marcellus speaks of his irritation over mistreated animals, what subject does his traveling companion bring up in Chapter 12?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Jesus refer to Bartholomew as Nathanael?

2. Why does Jonathan give up his donkey to Thomas?

3. Why is Celia, Quintus' wife, beside herself with anxiety and jealousy concerning Prince Gaius?

4. What is making the master-slave relationship between Marcellus and Demetrius more and more difficult to sustain by Chapter 11?

5. How does Demetrius compare the ways in which the Roman emperors get armies to give up their lives to the ways in which Jesus commands loyalty?

6. When Justus tells Marcellus a story about a wealthy nobleman who followed Jesus around and wondered how he could get what Jesus has, what does the man discover he must do?

7. Why does Paulus decide to let Demetrius go free in Chapter 18?

8. How does Simon, the big fisherman, come to know Demetrius?

9. How does Justus explain to Marcellus Jesus's idea of people giving things away without worrying about providing for their own dependents?

10. When Simon Peter and Marcellus meet on the grassy knoll, what wrongdoings do they admit to one another that they need to repent for?

(see the answer keys)

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