The Return of Martin Guerre Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Return of Martin Guerre Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the relationship between Sanxi and Martin?
(a) They were father and son.
(b) They were cousins.
(c) They were friends.
(d) They were brothers.

2. Why couldn't Martin and his wife conceive a baby?
(a) Bertrande had fertility problems.
(b) Bertrande was too young.
(c) Martin had fertility problems.
(d) Martin was impotent.

3. Who was Bertrande most likely to have told her troubles to?
(a) Saint Catherine.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Pierre.
(d) Bernarde.

4. With what does Martin's impostor threaten Pierre when he doesn't get his way?
(a) He threatens to steal all Pierre's land.
(b) He threatens to kill Pierre.
(c) He threatens a civil suit.
(d) He threatens to kill Bertrande.

5. Which of the following was a probable incentive for the impostor to impersonate Martin?
(a) A bigger inheritance.
(b) He wanted Martin's clothes.
(c) He wanted to steal from Pierre.
(d) He wanted to hurt Bertrande.

Short Answer Questions

1. Only one of the children the impostor and Bertrande produced lived. What was this child's name?

2. The real Martin was ______________ when he was younger.

3. What was the outcome of Martin's wound?

4. The Guerre family changes their name in the story. What was their original name?

5. Instead of considering Martin and Bertrande's problem as a medical condition, villagers believed they were ______.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why was France on the verge of a religious civil war?

2. What ways does the author describe other cases of people taking a false identity?

3. In Chapter 6, what did the impostor do to elevate the Guerre family's status?

4. How was the Guerre's home village of Hendaye and their new village, Artigat, the same?

5. Why do you think Bertrande refused to get out of her marriage when she had the chance?

6. Why do you think the DaGuerres shortened their name to Guerre?

7. Women in the 1500's lived a somewhat oppressed existence. They were not included in family or village decisions. Their importance was recognized in their ability to work the fields or do housework and raise children. List one way women are the same today and one way they are different.

8. We know very little about why Martin left his family and disappeared. Why do you think he decided to leave?

9. How did parents view marriage and reproduction in the 1500's in relation to their children?

10. In Chapter 4, what specific differences does the author point out about Martin and the impostor?

(see the answer keys)

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