The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lori Schiller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Lori Schiller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV, The Quiet Room, Chapter 16, Lori, New York Hospital, White Plains, New York, November 1985 - February 1986, Chapter 17, Steven Schiller, Baltimore, Maryland, January 1986 - March 1986, Chapter 18, Lori, Futura House, White Plains, New York, April.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Nancy call Lori when she was a baby?
(a) Her "dreams come true".
(b) Her "doll".
(c) Her "nightmare".
(d) Her "life".

2. What kind of game did Lori throw during her stay in the intermediate-care unit?
(a) A backgammon game.
(b) Life.
(c) Scrabble.
(d) A Monopoly game.

3. Where was Tara Sonenshine from originally?
(a) Long Island.
(b) Miami.
(c) NYC.
(d) Memphis.

4. During their senior year at college, what did Lori Winters and other college friends believe was wrong with Lori?
(a) She was in love.
(b) She was having a breakdown.
(c) She was doing drugs.
(d) She was too worried about the future.

5. Why did Lori Schiller get fired from the real estate company?
(a) For coming in late seven times.
(b) For screaming at the owner.
(c) For getting too drunk at a company function.
(d) For talking about employee's personal files.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Lori think that her professors would throw her out of class?

2. What hotel did Lori and Lori believe would make the "ideal place" for their first home?

3. What did Steven admit that he had refused to do at the end of Chapter 7, "Steven Schiller, Scarsdale, New York, July 1982"?

4. What did Lori look at every day as she awaited for her freedom from the hospital in 1983?

5. What city did the photo album that Gail brought to the hospital depict?

(see the answer key)

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