The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power of Myth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who often arranged for traditional marriage?
(a) Participants
(b) Husband to be
(c) Family
(d) Church

2. What influence does Campbell indicate leads to the reemergence of the female figure in the Christian religion?
(a) Roman Catholic church
(b) Hebrew people
(c) Greek
(d) Romans

3. What does Moses bring back from the summit of the mountain?
(a) Ten Commandments
(b) Ark of the covenent
(c) Bible
(d) Sea scrolls

4. What does the Church of the Middle Ages indicate that marriages are not?
(a) Based on love
(b) Arranged
(c) Political in nature
(d) Social in nature

5. What type of man do Campbell and Moyer say that God is?
(a) Archetypical
(b) Universally
(c) Digressive
(d) Evolutionary

6. What comes from the release of fears and sorrows of the world?
(a) Death
(b) Life
(c) Nirvana
(d) Rebirth

7. Which of the following went into solitude and emerged to sit beneath a bo tree?
(a) Moses
(b) Dalai Lama
(c) Buddha
(d) Jesus Christ

8. What about life is universally recognized according to Campbell?
(a) Life is created by God.
(b) There is more than one God.
(c) God is a man.
(d) There is existance beyond mankind's cognizance.

9. What is the name of Campbell's previously published book?
(a) The Hero's Adventure
(b) Masks of Eternity
(c) Tales of Love and Marriage
(d) The Hero with a Thousand Faces

10. To what country's myth does Campbell compare the clown figure?
(a) Nigeria
(b) India
(c) Ireland
(d) England

11. Campbell indicates the troubadours and their ideas about love were associated with which movement?
(a) Albigensian
(b) Anglo Saxon
(c) Arthyruian
(d) Minnesingers

12. What does Campbell indicate the concept of romantic love stresses in Western culture?
(a) Constraints of the society
(b) Demands of society
(c) Preeminence of the individual's experience
(d) Chaos of society

13. How is the sunrise depicted by the Goddess Nut in Egypt?
(a) Combining it with th emoon
(b) Taking it to the mother earth for renewal
(c) Swallowing it in the west
(d) Giving birth to it in the east

14. Which of the following describes how the Hebrew tradition referred to the Canaanite Goddess?
(a) Abomination
(b) Goddess of all
(c) Mother of all that is earth
(d) Destroying mother earth

15. Which invaders conquered the established societies in the Fourth Millennium B.C.?
(a) Roman
(b) Indian
(c) Greek
(d) Semitic and Indo-European

Short Answer Questions

1. When, approximately, did the suppression of the Goddess religions come about?

2. Which of the following rivers are considered in the Near East?

3. Which of the following best describes how the person on the journey returns?

4. From what geographical area is the myth of the princely hunter?

5. In which culture does the deity include both male and female entities?

(see the answer keys)

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