The Portable Beat Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Portable Beat Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At which college did John Wieners study poetry?
(a) NYU.
(b) UCLA.
(c) Black Mountain College.
(d) Remington College.

2. How old is William Burroughs Junior when he first smokes marijuana in "Tales of Beatnik Glory"?
(a) 15.
(b) 14.
(c) 16.
(d) 12.

3. "Poem from Jail" discusses the necessity of banning ____________.
(a) Nuclear weapons.
(b) Pornography.
(c) Communism.
(d) Religion.

4. For what Los Angeles paper did Charles Bukowski write a weekly column?
(a) "Los Angeles Chronicle."
(b) "Angel City."
(c) "Open City."
(d) "The Beat Reader."

5. Which poem of Diane DiPrima's is an attack on Gary Snyder's conception of women as mere carriers of children?
(a) "Brass Furnace Going Out: Song, after an Abortion."
(b) "Three Laments."
(c) "Song for Baby-O."
(d) "The Practice of Magical Evocation."

6. "The Day Lady Died" is a description of everything O'Hara did the day who died?
(a) Gracie Jones.
(b) Queen Victoria.
(c) Queen Elizabeth.
(d) Billie Holliday.

7. Who developed the "cut-up" method of writing used by William S. Burroughs?
(a) Jack Kerouac.
(b) Brion Gysin.
(c) Gregory Corso.
(d) Ray Bremser.

8. Where did Frank O'Hara grow up?
(a) Tuscon, Arizona.
(b) New York, New York.
(c) San Francisco, California.
(d) Grafton, Massachusetts.

9. Where was Ray Bremser born?
(a) New York, NY.
(b) Jersey City, NJ.
(c) San Francisco, CA.
(d) New Orleans, LA.

10. Which of the founders of Russian anarchism is referred to in the poem "April Fool Birthday Poem for Grandpa"?
(a) Kropotkin.
(b) Vrostkin.
(c) Brygatin.
(d) Krympotin.

11. Which cited Bob Dylan song asks when African Americans will be free?
(a) "Hard Rain."
(b) "Blowin' in the Wind."
(c) "Tarantula."
(d) "Lay Lady Lay."

12. Where does Highway Ninety-Nine begin?
(a) New York.
(b) Washington.
(c) Kansas.
(d) Chicago.

13. What newsletter was created by Diane DiPrima and LeRoi Jones?
(a) "Floating Bear."
(b) "Beat Reader."
(c) "Yeti."
(d) "Free Man."

14. Who wrote "Sourdough Mountain Lookout"?
(a) Philip Whalen.
(b) Gregory Corso.
(c) Allen Ginsberg.
(d) Jack Kerouac.

15. Frank O'Hara was a key member of what literary circle?
(a) New School of Poetry.
(b) San Francisco Renaissance.
(c) New York School of Poetry.
(d) Beat West Coast.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Peter Orlovsky from?

2. Who wrote the poem "Nova Express"?

3. When did Amiri Baraka adopt his current name?

4. Which poem of Amiri Baraka's describes the black music scene in Newark in the early 1960s?

5. Peter Orlovsky was whose lover?

(see the answer keys)

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