The Portable Beat Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Portable Beat Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which is the first of Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poems featured in Some San Francisco Renaissance Poets Part One?
(a) "America."
(b) "Lost Highway."
(c) "Coney Island of the Mind."
(d) "Dog."

2. What is Herbert Huncke's fictionalized name in Go?
(a) Paul Hobbes.
(b) Hart Kennedy.
(c) Albert Ancke.
(d) Peter Henderson.

3. What is the name of the evil force that is everywhere in "Howl"?
(a) Moloch.
(b) Dostai.
(c) Michael.
(d) Malachai.

4. What is Jack Kerouac's fictionalized name in the novel Go?
(a) Gene Pasternak.
(b) Hart Kennedy.
(c) Albert Ancke.
(d) Paul Hobbes.

5. Where did Allen Ginsberg grow up?
(a) Patterson, NJ.
(b) New York, NY.
(c) Chicago, IL.
(d) Princeton, NJ.

6. William Everson credits Rexroth with launching Beat poetry more so than whom?
(a) Jack Kerouac.
(b) Allen Ginsberg.
(c) William Carlos Williams.
(d) William S. Burroughs.

7. What is Allen Ginsberg's fictionalized name in the novel Go?
(a) Hart Kennedy.
(b) David Stofsky.
(c) Albert Ancke.
(d) Paul Hobbes.

8. When was Rotterdam bombed by the Nazis?
(a) 1941.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1940.
(d) 1938.

9. When did Neal Cassady's parents divorce?
(a) 1940.
(b) 1942.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1937.

10. The Beat Generation started off in what city?
(a) New York.
(b) Paris.
(c) New Orleans.
(d) San Francisco.

11. What is Neal Cassady's mother's name?
(a) Marie.
(b) Maude.
(c) Naomi.
(d) Anne.

12. In what year does Jack Kerouac meet Neal Cassady?
(a) 1947.
(b) 1949.
(c) 1944.
(d) 1959.

13. In what year did Allen Ginsberg meet Neal Cassady?
(a) 1942.
(b) 1947.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1948.

14. In "One Thousand Fearful Words for Fidel Castro," Ferlinghetti is convinced that Castro's cause is ___________.
(a) Insane.
(b) Evil.
(c) Just.
(d) Powerless.

15. When did Herbert Huncke meet William S. Burroughs?
(a) 1951.
(b) 1944.
(c) 1940.
(d) 1947.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year did Neal Cassady die?

2. Who is Neal Cassady known as in On the Road?

3. In what year was William S. Burroughs born?

4. In what year did Gregory Corso meet Allen Ginsberg?

5. Where did the Six Gallery reading take place?

(see the answer keys)

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