The Portable Beat Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Portable Beat Reader Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Neal Cassady born?
(a) 1922.
(b) 1920.
(c) 1926.
(d) 1919.

2. What excerpt of Gregory Corso's questions what it means to be Beat and if there is even such a thing?
(a) "Variations on a Generation."
(b) "Song of a Generation."
(c) "Bomb."
(d) "Marriage."

3. What is Allen Ginsberg's most famous work?
(a) "America."
(b) "Howl."
(c) "Song."
(d) "Kaddish."

4. The character "Elsie John" in the poem by Herbert Huncke is a __________.
(a) Fisherman.
(b) Housewife.
(c) Zoologist.
(d) Hermaphrodite.

5. When did Allen Ginsberg begin attending Columbia University?
(a) 1947.
(b) 1946.
(c) 1952.
(d) 1944.

6. When was Philip Whalen born?
(a) 1915.
(b) 1923.
(c) 1930.
(d) 1920.

7. In what year was Allen Ginsberg born?
(a) 1929.
(b) 1922.
(c) 1935.
(d) 1926.

8. Where is the city of Rotterdam, cited in Corso's "Vision of Rotterdam"?
(a) Netherlands.
(b) England.
(c) Germany.
(d) France.

9. What is the name of the West Coast literary revolution which was heralded largely by the Six Gallery reading?
(a) San Francisco Renaissance.
(b) California Renaissance.
(c) West Coast School of Poetry.
(d) San Francisco Six.

10. What is the name of Michael McClure's fictionalized character in Big Sur?
(a) Andrew Carlotti.
(b) Mark McDougal.
(c) Michael McLear.
(d) Pat McLear.

11. What is Allen Ginsberg's fictionalized name in the novel Go?
(a) Albert Ancke.
(b) David Stofsky.
(c) Paul Hobbes.
(d) Hart Kennedy.

12. In what year was the novel Go published?
(a) 1955.
(b) 1952.
(c) 1951.
(d) 1948.

13. Who is Neal Cassady known as in On the Road?
(a) Jonny Moriarty.
(b) Cody Pomeray.
(c) Carlo Marx.
(d) Dean Moriarty.

14. In "Visions of Cody," Cody is especially talented at ______________.
(a) Bowling.
(b) Football.
(c) Pool.
(d) Darts.

15. What is the name of the character based on Neal Cassady in Go?
(a) Joe Kimble.
(b) Andew Kennedy.
(c) Hart Kennedy.
(d) Mark Skawinski.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Jack Kerouac attend college?

2. Whom did Neal Cassady marry in 1948?

3. What was Allen Ginsberg's father's name?

4. Where did Neal Cassady grow up?

5. Who became Allen Ginsberg's lover after his move to California?

(see the answer keys)

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