The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who asks Clovis if he was a matchmaker?
(a) Victor Franz.
(b) Michael Drund.
(c) Hugo Peterby.
(d) Walter Mitty.

2. In England, what kind of dog does Olga believe to be "chic"?
(a) A Wheaton terrier.
(b) A wolfhound.
(c) A poodle.
(d) A bull-dog.

3. What is wrong with Vanessa Pennington's husband?
(a) He was too thin.
(b) He was poor.
(c) He was ill.
(d) He was an abuser.

4. What is the name of Vanessa's husband?
(a) Steven.
(b) John.
(c) Daniel.
(d) Brian.

5. What is Theophil Eshley's profession "by force of environment"?
(a) An sculptor.
(b) A writer.
(c) A cattle painter.
(d) A photographer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Reginald accused of reading which leads to his lack of sense of moral proportion?

2. What is the Brogue known as?

3. What does Mrs. Eggelby promise Clovis at the end of "Clovis on Parental Responsibilities"?

4. What kind of mines does Mr. Penricarde own?

5. Why is Reginald writing a poem on peace?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Mrs. Mullet unhappy that Mr Penricarde had purchased the Brogue?

2. What is the "only consolation" that the condemned man asks for?

3. What does Clovis do to insure that Jane has left before Dora shows up at his home?

4. In "The Innocence of Reginald," what two things does Reginald believe fail to go together?

5. What does Reginald state about hors d'oeuvres?

6. What does the outing to kill a tiger actually cost Mrs. Packletide?

7. According to the Baroness, in "Esme," what does poverty do?

8. What does Esme do to the gypsy child?

9. Why does Reginald want to write a poem on peace?

10. What is Clovis' idea for getting out of the sale of the Brogue?

(see the answer keys)

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