The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does "the Other" quote, in "Reginald's Peace Poem", when they stated "I agree with you"?
(a) Longfellow.
(b) Keats.
(c) Frost.
(d) Ginsberg.

2. Over how many countries is the condemned man sought?
(a) 5.
(b) 2.
(c) 25.
(d) 13.

3. Who does the former farmer marry?
(a) A lion-tamer's widow.
(b) His best friend's daughter.
(c) A prostitute.
(d) A madame of a brothel.

4. What does the condemned man, in "The Lost Sanjak," want as consolation?
(a) A book.
(b) New clothes.
(c) A feast created for a king.
(d) To tell his entire story.

5. In what season do the Mullets try to sell the Brogue?
(a) Harvest season.
(b) Christmas season.
(c) Summer.
(d) Hunting season.

6. What kind of dog does Olga keep?
(a) Spaniel.
(b) Collie.
(c) Irish Setter.
(d) Fox-terrier.

7. In "Esme," what does Clovis state were all the same?
(a) Hunting stories.
(b) Disaster stories.
(c) Vacation stories.
(d) Love stories.

8. What does Reginald state is the reason that his aunt "adopted" him?
(a) He was left by his parents.
(b) He was a decorative sorrow.
(c) He needed a leader.
(d) He was lost.

9. According to Reginald, in "Reginald on House-Parties", who does one never really know?
(a) The fox-terrier.
(b) The meaning of the party.
(c) The hosts.
(d) The other guests.

10. At the opening of "The Match-Maker," what time is it?
(a) 11.
(b) 8.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

11. For whom is Mrs. Packletide going to arrange a lunch for at her home on Curzon Street?
(a) Caroline Finsberry.
(b) Soyna Apperton.
(c) Virginia Tobermony.
(d) Loona Bimberton.

12. What, according to Clovis' host, is "becoming a habit" with Clovis?
(a) Red wines.
(b) False stories.
(c) Women.
(d) Waistcoats.

13. For how many years has the galleon laid in semi-retirement?
(a) 500 years.
(b) 250 years.
(c) 325 years.
(d) 125 years.

14. What is Reginald accused of reading which leads to his lack of sense of moral proportion?
(a) Plato.
(b) Hemingway.
(c) Nietzsche.
(d) Socrates.

15. What is Theophil Eshley's profession "by force of environment"?
(a) A cattle painter.
(b) A photographer.
(c) An sculptor.
(d) A writer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ailment does Miss Gilpet state is fictitious?

2. Why is Reginald writing a poem on peace?

3. What does Reginald state is "an absurdly overrated affair"?

4. What "kind" of child does the Baroness come across during her ride?

5. What poetic device does Reginald use in the first line of his poem on peace?

(see the answer keys)

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