The Peace War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Peace War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What game does Paul ask Mike to play with him?

2. Wili's sickness causes him to constantly experience what?

3. What aspect of bobbles contributes to the artificial ecosystem around them?

4. What does Wili intend to do when he leaves Paul's house?

5. Where does Allison think their aircraft crashed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are Paul's reasons for accepting Wili as an apprentice?

2. What is Paul's opinion about the bobbles?

3. How is Wili treated at Paul's house?

4. What does Red Arrow Industries produce?

5. Describe Paul's physical and personality characteristics.

6. What traits do Wili and Paul share?

7. Describe the symptoms of the illness that overcomes Wili during the first winter he spends with Paul.

8. What is unusual about the guests Paul receives at his house?

9. What is the Santa Yrez Police Company, and why are they present at the Old California Shopping Center?

10. How and why did the Red Arrow Battalion settle in America?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Technology plays an important role throughout the novel. The Authority and the Tinkers have fundamental disagreements about how it should be pursued and employed, and these disagreements lead to the central conflict of the book.

1) Explain the Authority's position on technology and describe some of the technologies it has banned outright and those which it has reserved solely for itself.

2) Describe how the Tinkers interact with technology and how they are able to make significant advances despite their limitations.

3) Discuss the impact that these two competing forces have on the average people in this setting. What technologies are available, and how are they controlled or acquired?

4) Explain why the Authority and the Tinkers come into direct conflict over the issue of technology and how their disagreements shape the overall plot of the novel.

Essay Topic 2

Wili experiences the most growth of any character over the course of the novel. Although he begins as an orphaned and miscreant youth, he becomes an important leader within the Tinkers and possibly the most influential thinker in the world.

1) Discuss Wili as a character at the time that he enters the story. What is his background and what are his character traits? Explain how he uses his considerably intellect at this time.

2) Describe the causes of Wili's reform as a moral person. Explain what initiates this change and discuss some examples of Wili's superior moral standing from events in the later parts of the novel.

3) Explain Wili's growth as an intellectual thinker and leader. Identify the point where he surpasses and takes over for Paul, and how and why he becomes recognized by others in the Tinker movement as an important leader.

Essay Topic 3

At the end of the novel, the world has been totally destabilized by the destruction of the Authority as a cohesive organization. Although Paul, Wili, and the others have accomplished what they set out to do, they express concerns about what effects their actions will have on the world at large.

1) Discuss the major events that occur at the end of the novel which will have a major impact on the stability of the world. Describe the causes of these events and how closely they conformed to Paul's plans.

2) Describe the major political and military powers that exist outside of the Authority, and how they are likely to react to the power vacuum created by the bobbling of the Authority enclave.

3) Speculate, using information from the book, about how the characters remaining at the end of the novel will act to stabilize the world.

4) Based on the situation and the possibilities you have discussed so far, make an assessment as to whether or not Paul and the Tinkers were justified in their plan of action against the Authority.

(see the answer keys)

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