The Peace War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Peace War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Wili, Mike, and Della go after they return to the shore?

2. What does Della say the Authority intends to do with the Tinkers?

3. What evidence causes the Authority to suspect the Tinkers possess an advanced technology?

4. Wili's sickness causes him to constantly experience what?

5. What does Paul try to convince Jeremy's grandfather of?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Wili treated at Paul's house?

2. How do Paul's and Mile's assessments of Wili's illness differ?

3. At the Peace Authority, what causes are discussed for the collapse of the bobble near Greater Tucson?

4. What are Paul's reasons for accepting Wili as an apprentice?

5. Describe the symptoms of the illness that overcomes Wili during the first winter he spends with Paul.

6. What traits do Wili and Paul share?

7. Why does Paul not accompany Wili to the chess tournament?

8. What is Paul's opinion about the bobbles?

9. What is the relationship between the Tinkers and the Authority?

10. What is unusual about the guests Paul receives at his house?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Project Renaissance begins as a fall back plan created in the face of an uncertain threat from the Tinkers. However, Avery's increasing paranoia cause him to attempt to trigger this doomsday plan with little provocation.

1) Describe Project Renaissance. What is its purpose, and what would its launch involve? What would be the impact of this plan on the world?

2) Discuss the Authority's general willingness to fall back on Renaissance. Why do some Authority figures believe it will not be necessary, and why do some of them believe it should not be enacted in any case?

3) Explain Avery's decision to launch Renaissance. According to the information he had available, how justified was this decision? Explain the forces that compelled him to make this decision, and what unknown factors could have swayed his decision one way or another.

Essay Topic 2

Kaladze is an important leader, and as a powerful independent force, both the Tinkers and the Authority attempt to maneuver him to their advantage.

1) Describe Kaladze as a character and a leader. Describe the nature of his settlement and the forces that he controls.

2) Discuss the interest Kaladze has in the conflict between the Tinkers and the Authority and how he initially sides himself. Explain how Paul and others are able to influence him to support the Tinkers' side.

3) Explain Della's attempts to manipulate Kaladze on behalf of the Authority. How does she attempt to control his actions, and what does she hope to cause him to do? Explain how successful Della's plan is.

Essay Topic 3

The events that led to the unusual state of raffias are only discussed tangentially and only become clear in the final chapters of the story. The rise of the Authority rapidly and dramatically altered the political landscape of the world.

1) Explain how the bobbles were discovered and first created. What involvement did Paul and the progenitors of the Authority have in these discoveries?

2) Describe how the Authority came to power and how it was able to subdue major military powers such as the United States?

3) Using evidence from the book, speculate as to how the setting could have evolved differently had some minor factors been altered slightly.

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